I’m not familiar with Lunduke. Could you elaborate?
I’m not familiar with Lunduke. Could you elaborate?
I was once driving on some back roads I was unfamiliar with. I turned a corner and didn’t realize there was a stop sign until too late and went right through the intersection. As I went through it, I turned my head to the left and noticed that a car was heading right for me. It missed me by inches.
TIL there’s a term for this: Schrödinger’s joke
That’s how my partner does it with our cat. I, on the other hand, have to hold her down before she lets me brush her teeth.
Search Engine with PJ Vogt. They do deep dives into all kinds of things and it’s full of interesting information.
That would be an interesting twist. Alt Tony Stark is Dr. Doom so the real Dr. Doom joins the Avengers to save the universe. Although Doom’s motivation would likely be to prove he’s the superior Doom. Seems like that would make a decent Secret Wars plotline.
I’m wondering if they’ll turn an alternative universe Tony Stark into Doom. Are there any comics where this happens?
As far as feelings: very excited. I was bummed when Robert Downey Jr. exited the MCU and it will be nice to have him back. I hope it’s more than a cameo.
I didn’t know Mordor had a football league.