I’ve neglected diacritics for too long.
Look at this, it’s a whole form of wordplay for Vietnamese speakers.
I’ve neglected diacritics for too long.
Look at this, it’s a whole form of wordplay for Vietnamese speakers.
(something something invasions of North America, invasion of Mexico, Occupation of the Philippines, … )
Ideology does not come about from ‘convincing’ or ‘swaying’ anyone.
Tell that to the propaganda model. False consciousness is a real barrier which can, and has, dominated material class interests.
Leftism is unpopular by definition
This really depends how you define “leftism”.
If you mean ‘whichever side of politics is left of the population’s center’ then sure, it can’t be a majority.
If you mean ‘whichever side of politics is left of the political center’ then that doesn’t imply it’s unpopular, and there’s direct electoral evidence of ‘left’ parties achieving a majority government.
If you mean socialism and communism, they certainly aren’t unpopular by definition. If anything, their definition makes them a mass movement of the proletariat, the vast majority of a post-industrial society.
For what it’s worth, the far left (internationally) is traditionally pro-gun. I wouldn’t know what positions are about any citizen and any gun, but I wouldn’t be surprised either to hear a socialist advocate for it.
[…] The whole proletariat [i.e. worker class] must be armed at once with muskets, rifles, cannon and ammunition, and the revival of the old-style citizens’ militia, directed against the workers, must be opposed. Where the formation of this militia cannot be prevented, the workers must try to organize themselves independently as a proletarian guard, with elected leaders and with their own elected general staff; they must try to place themselves not under the orders of the state authority but of the revolutionary local councils set up by the workers. Where the workers are employed by the state, they must arm and organize themselves into special corps with elected leaders, or as a part of the proletarian guard. Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary. The destruction of the bourgeois [i.e. owner class] democrats’ influence over the workers, and the enforcement of conditions which will compromise the rule of bourgeois democracy, which is for the moment inevitable, and make it as difficult as possible – these are the main points which the proletariat and therefore the League must keep in mind during and after the approaching uprising.
If anyone wants do go deep into non-monetary economic systems, I haven’t read/listened-to much of their work but economists and computer scientists like Cockshott have researched planned non-money economies.
A summary: https://dessalines.github.io/essays/paul_cockshott_cyber_communism.html
The white nationalist movement preys on alienated young white men (more than other groups). Creating avenues for including these people in our movement means less people we have to fight.
I’m not saying everyone is able to fit into our movement, or they may require so much education that we just don’t have the resources to depropagandize them, but as a mass movement, more is generally better.
Perhaps it would be useful to build up from basics, asking them what issues actually affect their own life, and hopefully avoid all the hyperreality* culture wars of the media.
* https://assets.ourworldindata.org/uploads/2019/05/Causes-of-death-in-USA-vs.-media-coverage.png
Related: I believe it’s ok, given certain contexts, to speak broadly and crassly to people who expect that. It’s ultimately ineffective and therefore bad to come off as an pretenscious arrogant know-it-all, correcting everyone’s grammar and word choices and any ignorance they have. I see some students in the labor movement and wonder if they’re capable of expressing their knowledge to typical joe worker, without injecting French, German or Russian, or losing their temper at some unintentionally offensive ignorance. We’re speaking broadly to regular people, don’t alienate them with your academic knowledge.
That doesn’t mean never correct crappy things people say, you can and should, but pick your battles. A climate scientist once told me, being correct isn’t enough.
If you can pull a few people out of filter bubbles, it helps. But it’s up to you to decide if it’s worth the investment, it really depends on where you are and what you can do.
You can also engage in one-person propaganda efforts, like putting up critical posters/stickers. Just don’t get caught.
It’s a tough battle upwards, the established propaganda model helps make sure of that, but undeniably at the end of the day, the workers in the US hold more than enough power collectively to threaten decision makers into compromise (and, if you have the guts, submission). I’m not even talking about violence, I’m talking about things like withholding labor and simple sabotage.
You have power. Help us out: https://specificsuggestions.com/
See also: CIA guides to simple sabotage.
Absolutely. Trump’s and the Project 2025’s “America First” strategy is essentially turning US imperialism inward on its own citizens now that the former global dominance is waning.
On the other hand, some have explicit ideological positions or themes (e.g. lemmygrad.ml, slrpnk.net) and others are shaped by moderation (.ml taking a hard stance against the sinophobia normal in mainatream media, .world and a few other instances/staff banning comments making light of violence e.g. luigi)
Yep. I don’t judge a comment before reading it, but there are a couple of instances where I will think “yeah, not surprised” after reading a reactionary or low-quality post.
Technically yes, although the term “anti-Semitic” (as the German word Antisemitismus) originally became established through specifically anti-Jewish conspiracy writings in the late 1800s. So the term “anti-semitic” generally means anti-Jewish, rather than literally being against Semitic peoples.
I’m curious if people are sinophobic or anti Russian.
Some instances, notoriously lemmy.ml and lemmygrad.ml, aggressively ban Sinophobia and Russophobia, so much that many visitors get banned without understanding how what they said was prejudiced (many of their prejudiced views are simply ‘common sense’ as a result of normal Western propaganda) and yell about the instances being Russian/Chinese genocidal propaganda. So if .world gives you trouble, these places could be worth considering.
It’s so polarizing like people how do you expect to improve if you can’t acknowledge your faults?
The scale of this problem is mind-boggling: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennium_Challenge_2002
Long story short, the US Armed Forces performed a practice war simulation, “costing US$250 million (equivalent to about $423M in 2023), the most expensive war game in US military history”. The two teams were “Blue” (totally-not the US) and the “Red” team (totally-not Iran or Iraq). The retired Lieutenant General of the Red team made the reasonable choice to adopt old-school low-tech tactics to avoid the Blue team’s sophisticated electronic surveillance network, as well as other asymmetric tactics like those used by real armies who have defended against US invasions. Red team won in one day. There were apparently a range of technical problems in the simulation which made it harder for Blue, so they re-tried with conditions to make use of the remaining thirteen days. However:
After the war game was restarted, its participants were forced to follow a script drafted to ensure a Blue Force victory. Among other rules imposed by this script, Red Force was ordered to turn on their anti-aircraft radar in order for them to be destroyed, and during a combined parachute assault by the 82nd Airborne Division and Marines air assaulting on the then new and still controversial CV-22, Van Riper’s forces were ordered not to shoot down any of the approaching aircraft. Van Riper also claimed that exercise officials denied him the opportunity to use his own tactics and ideas against Blue Force, and that they also ordered Red Force not to use certain weapons systems against Blue Force and even ordered the location of Red Force units to be revealed. The postmortem JFCOM report on MC02 would say “As the exercise progressed, the [Opposing Force] free-play was eventually constrained to the point where the end state was scripted. This scripting ensured a blue team operational victory and established conditions in the exercise for transition operations.” :::
but the amount of practical real life skills I’ve acquired over the years
Are there any particularly unexpected ones?
My only gripe was that it doesn’t handle (unencoded) spaces in a URL name, which is probably correct behavior but they’re in the titles of torrents on some sites, so I’d have to manually edit them each time. I ended up just using qBT.