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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • It’s anti-woman.

    The real true reason most people are against abortion isn’t because they don’t believe it’s a necessity. It’s because they are afraid that some woman won’t be punished for having sex. Whether or not the fetus survives isn’t the point, it’s that someone has to be punished for enjoying life.

  • You are literally saying “you’re being quiet while throwing a tantrum”. Which is it, am I being quiet or noisy? Or is this some sort of weird quiet tantrum?

    Yeah, look at how effective your strategy of running from responsibility has been. You and the DNC’s policy of blaming progressive voices IS what lost them this election. How about you keep doing that louder. Maybe you can go strike a deal with the Republicans to level just half of Gaza. Because that’s what Democrats in Congress are currently talking about. They are pissed, not because they lost, but because their constituents are calling them demanding they do more.

  • Yes, I will keep complaining because I want Democrats to win. They can’t win elections by ignoring the base.

    Your “never call out Democrats” is exactly the problem with the party. It’s what has led them to losing all three branches. The reason Republicans won is because they pointed out the problems with the US, said “fascism will fix everything”, and they are delivering.

    FFS, it isn’t even that Biden didn’t do a lot of good (outside of Israel and the border). However, he and the party ran from the positive actions they took. They did that for fear that they’d scare away a “moderate” Republican. Their messaging was “at least we aren’t them” and that’s what lost the election. It’s what lost the Hillary election in 16.

    So yes, I blame Biden, Harris, and the DNC for losing a winnable election to a fascist. I can’t blame those that stayed home or voted 3rd party, how can I blame someone that couldn’t stomach the choice between two active participators in a genocide? It was a choice between Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy and you are saying “well, Ted’s not quite as cruel when he murders people”.

  • Nice pivot. I see you really don’t want to stay on the subject of Israel because it was a major problem with the DNC.

    Just because I’m identifying a problem with the DNC doesn’t mean that I didn’t vote for them or that I support Trump. Kamala would have been better than Trump as a president, no doubt. However, She and Biden both had horseshit positions on Israel and actively worked to silence dissent on the subject. It doesn’t matter that the RNC is cheering to nuke the middle east, their base loves that rhetoric.

  • If it’s so obviously different, tell me how Kamala would have reacted? When did Biden withhold aid or did Kamala even hint at withholding aid?

    Biden was literally shipping bombs to Israel right up until the moment Trump took office.

    Of course it’s not different. It’s a giant black spot on Biden’s legacy.

    We could have only hoped that Kamala would have been different but frankly she gave 0 indications that she was willing to deviate from Biden’s policies.

  • And, frankly, I understand why some Jews would be a little guarded when the topic of Israel comes up. Antisemitism is real and you’ll certainly find people with a negative view on Israel that are conflating the nation with Jews. That’s a conversation that can get really uncomfortable really quick.

    It’s why I have nothing but respect for the likes of “Jewish voice for peace” and the many Jewish college students and professors that have stood for the Palestinians. It’s also why I hate someone trying to treat the Jewish community as having homogeneous beliefs.

  • What point? That trump allowed the same genocide that biden did? That functionally trump and biden had the same policy for gaza?

    Tell me, how would Biden or Kamala have responded to this news? Whispering to someone “Wow, netty sure is an asshole”? Would they have actually even threatened to cut aid? What are current democrats in congress saying about this? Has any non-progressive democrat condemned this?

    Yeah, that’s the point. One that you are missing. The party didn’t listen to it’s base and lost an election because of it. Gaza is just as fucked as it would have been under either presidency.

  • Tell me what Biden or Kamala would have done different? Remember all the red lines that functionally did nothing to US policy?

    It was under biden that, we estimate because we can’t know, that ~500,000 gazans died. It was under biden that we continued to send bombs to israel even as Israel pushed the entire population into a concentration camp next to egypt.

    Gaza was already under a dictator. Way to go Biden and Kamala, instead of giving a single fuck about your electorate loudly told you, you sucked the teet of pro-israel donors and it lost the election.

  • I feel like this is not functionally different from what they did. I feel like, if this was such a fucking important election that MAYBE Biden and Kamala should have changed policies on Gaza rather than continually sending aid, weapons and bombs to genociders. That if they truly believed their rhetoric then maybe they should have actually listened to the base that told them aiding genocide would lose them the election.

    Yeah, I’m pretty fucking pissed at Biden and Kamala for losing to Hitler 2.0.

    Oh, and before you say it, yes I voted for Kamala and told everyone I could that it was the best person to vote for. I also said this would be the thing that lost her the election.

    The DNC had to do so little to appease the progressives. Literally just let a Palestinian speak. Or say anything other than “Israel has a right to defend itself”. Maybe actually host a sympathetic Imam. That’s all they had to do and they didn’t even try to do that.

  • Always was.

    It was blindingly obvious this was a genocide on like Oct 8th or 9th. The atrocities have simply ramped up every month.

    The IDF started Oct 7 shooting hostages to kill hamas. They spent every month after that bombing the hell out of every bit of infrastructure in gaza.

    They used snipers to kill children. They shot more hostages with a “woopsie” after the fact. They shot aid workers trying to bring food. They shut off power/water/electricity. They shot at doctors working in hospitals. And they didn’t constrain their genocidal thoughts to just gaza. They expanded into the west bank and later into Lebanon.

    The Israeli fascists have simply relied on calling everyone “antisemitic” for calling out the actions of a rouge state.

  • To sum up the reports here. Hamas is in the west bank, ACCORDING TO THE IDF.

    And if you read any of the articles you actually posted, you know that there are a lot of problems with just verifying what the IDF claims as true. For example, Wissam Khazem’s death where the IDF quickly hid the body and hasn’t allowed any 3rd party verification.

    Or the fact that in the very same article about Wissam Khazem’s death, it goes on to talk about how snipers killed elderly and disabled people in the region.

    You see, Israel likes to play this neat trick where every person they kill is suddenly hamas. So, excuse me for not believing israelie intelligence sources when we have crystal clear evidence of them massacring civilians.

    But again, are you going to answer my question. How many hostages are in the west bank?