The cod was believed to be the king of the fish. I hope to live up to the name 🐟
Most of those other places aren’t available in Canada. Also, Canadian A&W is independent from American A&W so maybe their food is a bit different too. Canadian A&W is great
I know a dog named Willow. Nothing more fun than to go to their house and excitedly say “Hello Willow!” over and over again. It’s so much fun to say
I’m going as Joe/Manco/Blondie from the Dollars trilogy. My girlfriend was originally going to go as cowboy (cowgirl?) Barbie but that might be changing now
Oh really? Huh. I’m also in Canada and haven’t heard of any of them other than Dairy Queen. Weird. Alright I take back my comment then, other than still believing that A&W is great here