I ruined so many games that way. Once or twice was me bumping the Ps2. Other than that it was just being a petty fuck.
I ruined so many games that way. Once or twice was me bumping the Ps2. Other than that it was just being a petty fuck.
Excuse me! What about the psychological trauma? Do you know what it’s like to be vulnerably taking care of natures business and have one of these demons scurry across your feet?
Y’know! I’ve liked their articles but I’m put off by their membership model and pricing.
Ars ropes me in pretty often. It has more good content than not. The Atlantic has snuck its way into my reading lists - though it’s pretty heavily opinionated more often than not.
It really is getting harder to find quality fact-based reporting. I rely on sources like Allsides and Straight Arrow News but even then it’s still just rehashing (course correcting) the flavor of the day reporting.
Thought it was one of those cheeky art projects. Surprised it’s a legit site with relatively deep arguments and citations for reference (not as deep).
To be clear, it’s not exactly original. It’s “adapted from “So You Wanna Be a Cop?”, a pamphlet published by the War Resisters League.”
Speaking of young…THPS3 introduced me to Fat Lip by Sum41 and thus began my love affair with rock/metal.
To think they’re doing their farewell tour now.
At the rate we’re going, history books will be banned before we know it.
I experienced the same at “regular” beaches out in Greece. Topless women and Speedos were just as normal as any other beachgoer. It was really rather relaxing thinking back to it now.
Someday I hope to build up the courage to visit/participate a nudist beach. It seems far more comfortable and “normal” in Europe than in the States from my travels. Remarkably humanizing.
Wait. It’s hosted on a Russian site or that’s your system language?
I refuse to look myself and end up on a CIA list lol
Consider it morbid curiosity but I’d be curious what he considers okay. At the same time, I don’t wanna know.
…I really need to get tested for ADHD. This community has single-handedly convinced me.
I can’t justify Kagi’s pricing but I liked it. I’d blow through the cheapest plan in a week. Neeva was pretty good too before they pivoted, also pricey imo though.
Is misreading things because your brain is 10 steps ahead part of this list? Cause I definitely read AD Home Depot.
I’m going to be singing this for the rest of the week…
I was going to binge purchase off Temu at one point - inexpensive junk stuff to tickle my fancy. But in good conscience, I just couldn’t. It’s wasted money on stuff I don’t trust made by exploited workers or knocked off patents that ends up in a landfill.
Would I confidently let my kids play with the toys and tchotchkes? I don’t even buy stuff for them from Amazon cause of all the counterfeit and toxic crap. I know some consumers have to be extra price conscious. It sucks that they’re relegated to crap quality products that are less durable and essentially more disposable (not to say that better quality junk isn’t disposable junk in modern times).