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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • My intent was not to actually complain too much about Socrates, but just use him as a more tolerable example. I generally agree with your opinion on who was in the wrong there, but part of my consideration was the reports that they knew he could flee and supposedly were OK with that, but he decided to stay on principle. Also the joke he made about them treating him like a hero for his punishment, probably not quite in good taste given the circumstances.

    That aside, while I do agree with your last statement, there have also always been conmen, fame seekers, and less influential but more… annoying people throughout history, especially if they had nepotism or class differences in their side.

  • Eh, bards and other old actor types are kinda similar. They’re doing public actions for fame and money. Wasn’t Socrates also considered an asshole? Not that I’m equating these influencers to philosophers, but at the time the people considered him to be mocking their culture (religion). Not nearly as bad as mocking tragedies, but the idea of living off of attention, including being a troll, isn’t new. It just usually resulted in much harsher consequences than the modern day, and usually paid less.

  • It’s not quite as many different things, but I usually need music or podcasts in my ears while doing something else. Sometimes it’s just noise; I occasionally have to rewind to check a joke or fact I missed while my focus increased on something else. If I don’t have the stimuli, I find my mind wandering in worse ways though. Driving and a podcast help me focus on the read and not get highway hypnosis or looking at every single thing. Podcast while gaming helps me keep focus on anything somewhat mundane in the game (this varies by game, but most games aren’t 100% pumping 100% of the time).

    If I really need to focus on something, then podcasts are a distraction that gets turned off. Music also fits this roll, but depending on how much focus I need I may end up changing from music to lyrics to instrumentals.if I have no external extra stimuli I find myself getting bored, mind wandering, etc. So it helps me focus by having a second input my eyes don’t need.

    I can’t do two visual inputs at once, nor two audio inputs. But I usually need input from both. Oh, and the fan thing is incidental. My room produces more heat so I have a room a/c running often, and it’s also a white noise generator I guess. It doesn’t run in winter so it’s not always on, but this time of year it’s a regular noise for me.

  • Your original comment could be taken in various tones and they wanted a clarification. For what it’s worth, it is useful to some to hear it, since it could help people see differences between the US and other countries. It’s just said in a way that felt more like “Butchers don’t do this” rather than “As the contrast, I don’t see this done in my country”. Either way though, in the spirit of the question it is sorta off topic.

    It’s like asking “Why does this currency have this person on it?” and getting the answer “I’ve never seen that currency used anywhere I lived.” While true, it’s not really relevant, doesn’t answer the question, and can either be taken as a long winded way to say “I don’t know” or stubborn self centered everything worth knowing is centered around your own experiences. Which is definitely reading into it too much, but there are people who act like that, either as trolls or real jingoists.

  • I like coffees flavor (not necessarily the bitter part, but it doesn’t bother me much). It’s not really from repeated exposure: caffeine doesn’t quite work right for me, and coffee gives me anxiety and stomach issues, wo I don’t drink it often but do like the flavor. Beer is somewhat opposite: I have drank a lot of alcohol(cutting back much more nowadays) but I still find most beer not tasty… though there was this one coffee beer that was really good.

    My goto is actually unsweetenee Soju, with lime added. It has a very mild flavor and the lime takes away the alcohol aftertaste.

    I used to like sweet stuff but I’ve always drank green tea unsweetened, and for the most part unless it’s honey I don’t like sweeteners in tea. Coffee can go both ways, especially for caramel, and hot chocolate is sweet of course, though I haven’t had any for at least a year.

    Once I gave up soda other things naturally started tasting too sweet for me, and I gave up soda in general 15-20 years ago. I drink it on occasion, but it always leaves a gross sticky syrupy feeling in mouth and throat.