That is a valid point. If we take those numbers with a hefty heap of salt, Reddit would still be 10x or 100x bigger than Lemmy.
That is a valid point. If we take those numbers with a hefty heap of salt, Reddit would still be 10x or 100x bigger than Lemmy.
Reddit seems to be about 1000x bigger.
It seems to come with the corpo hellscape system, you know like, Cyberpunk 2077. Close enough, I guess.
Trump is taking America back to the 50s, UK skips straight to colonialism.
The US was lucky that Afghanistan didn’t drain all of their money and power. It was already a total disaster, but it could have been even worse.
Let me guess, it was the jungle. I recall from history class, that China is protected by a massive jungle on one side, which has kept potential invaders from trying that direction. Maybe the same is true for Vietnam as well.
Don’t know about the other countries,but Afghanistan is a bit special. Many invaders have tried, and failed. I guess the mountainous terrain doesn’t make it any easier. Seems to me that nobody is capable of conquering Afghanistan. When you hear about another empire trying their luck, you know it’s going to drain their power.
LOL. I can see you’re having a lot of fun reading these short stories.
The days were short, cloudy, and freezing as they usually are in February. The sun rises and sets during working hours, so the only time to see it is during lunch break. You can forget about feeling the warmth of sunshine on your skin, though. The Nordic winter sun is pitifully weak, while the wind is brutal. Probably not a relevant detail today, though, because the grey shroud covers the sky again.
Last Sunday, I went shopping, but my favorite tea store was closed. Of course it was. Apparently, I need to try my miserable luck during the weekdays. Porridge was aslo about to run out. I had enough for just one more morning. The mere thought of cramming myself into a crowded sardine can on rubber wheels to make my way to the nearest supermarket filled my heart with disgust and dread. Once in the bus, regret will undoubtedly join the party.
The suffocating atmosphere wasn’t the only reason, though. As all remaining shreds of decency and withered human souls are sacrificed on the altar of capitalism, my hope for the future dwindles like a candle slowly running out of its pale fuel. I never really enjoyed supermarkets or the constant bombardment by intrusive advertisements in all forms: audio, visual, and even olfactory. Even though I don’t endorse or condone acts of violence, living in the city has made me somehow understand where some crazy people are coming from.
That’s what happens when people don’t know how to use the system properly. They just throw their files and announcements into random places without any thought, and expect everyone to be able to find them.
In cases like that, you just need to ask a more experienced user for direction, because nothing else works. It’s not your fault you can’t find your way around a labyrinth like this. It’s the fault of everyone who turned that place into a labyrinth.
Can we also blame the software? Maybe, if the marketing was misreading. Mostly though, this sort of mess emerges as a result of ignorant people abusing the system.
Ad supported videos act as a demo. Those who can tolerate ads, can stay in the demo stage. If you have tried the videos, found them valuable, and can’t tolerate the ads, I suggest paying for the video in the future.
There’s value in having both systems in place. If you have only one, it’s going to limit your options and hurt everyone involved.
All the Debian ISO images and all of the documentation on everything.
This way. I should have all the stable software I could wish for and the instructions on how to use them.
Depends on what you need from Excel. All the simple stuff and most of the medium complex stuff is available in Calc. However, there are still many Excel only features where Calc can’t compete. Not a big deal for most people since those tend to be slightly obscure features anyway. If Calc can’t get the job done, I suggest switching to R or GNU Octave. You’ll thank me later.
Plot twist: USA ends up joining Canada. Oh, and the dairy prices go down as a result of trading flourishing inside a new vast nation.
If he slaps massive tariffs, the prices will go through the roof. If USA annexes Canada, the prices should go down, and I guess that’s was the plan.
There are infinitely many ways to live a nice life and infinitely many ways to suffer. Every possibility happens and is equally real and important. If you save one universe from a horrible doom, there are always more that will suffer an even worse fate.
The multiverse is a truly vast place, so anything you do or don’t do is less than a drop in the ocean. What matters is how your decisions and interactions affect you.
Actually now that you put it that way, this is beginning to sound a lot like the cold war.
I’m a very picky hippie when it comes to dimensions.
In the previous world wars there were various alliances between many countries, but eventually two sides emerged. If you see two clear sides engaging in active warfare against each other, you’ll know that WW3 has started. At the moment, it’s a bit more complicated than that. Seems to me that there are a bunch of disconnected conflicts going on, but the big picture of a proper world war hasn’t really emerged yet.
This kind of strategy will only make America lonely. Who can trust a partner like that?