Obviously I want to see Trump fail spectacularly, but it fucking sucks that would harm those of us who can least afford it.
I thought that was the plan…
Obviously I want to see Trump fail spectacularly, but it fucking sucks that would harm those of us who can least afford it.
I thought that was the plan…
She lives in Switzerland… So yes…
good riddance…
The most fun part is, that Alice Seidel is a lesbian, living in Switzerland that adppted a Child with -how do i put it- high melantonin
This works in nearly every Programm… Browser tabs, Visual Studio, everything with Tabs can do this
for me autism contains a form of neophobia, the aversion to new things. this food is the edible pendant to a comfy couch, that formed its cushions around you, because you sit in it all day the same.
Can confirm, my autistic brain wants this Platter badly
would’nt it be Gulf War 4, i thought wwe had three already…
nvm, it’s three gulf wars in german, in english the first one is called iran-iraq-war
rex is not a breed in itself, it’s just a mutation, and every cat with it is considered a “rex”. so if it was a selkirk, it’s now a selkirk rex, but the breed is hard to recognize on kittens
and the opposition is poisoned to death?
and nothing has changed there…
you can still call your school, as weird as it may sound, and the even can call you back… and the children don’t need a 1000€ smartphone for that…
Here is a comprehensive Guide how to do [x]:
{20 paragraphs of Background Story}
[x] is Impossible to do, you dumbfuck
Time for the monkey defense force…
Get that dart towers ready
‘relics linked to him’ sounds strange for a boy that died 18 years ago
Not even right, they just want to bet on the winning horse…