It could also mean they trampled over it, destroying it in their wake, thus going over it without flying, so to speak
It could also mean they trampled over it, destroying it in their wake, thus going over it without flying, so to speak
If you use docker with portainer (for the GUI), you can set up the gluetun container with your protonvpn account and run all your other containers through that as their network. It’s as simple as adding
network_mode: service:gluetun
to your stack configuration for each container.
Like others have said, running a DE with remote capabilities will be a lot of overhead.
If you set up portainer and watchtower using ssh, you can pretty much just manage everything from portainer while watchtower makes sure that portainer and the rest of your containers stay updated. It’s a very hands-off operation, especially if you set up auto updates on top of that for the pi OS. You’ll probably just have to ssh in periodically to run a system upgrade and maybe restart to update the kernel.
Cups takes some playing with to get right but once you have it setup and saved, the thing should work whenever
Gandalf arrived in Middle Earth in the year 1000 of the Third Age. So he’s been around in that form for about 2000 years since Bilbo’s farewell party took place in the 3001st year of the Third Age. The Fellowship was founded in 3018 so Gandalf is about that old if we’re only counting his time in Middle Earth like you say
Edit: This is in part why people are upset with the Rings of Power show. If this not-Gandalf character ends up being Gandalf, he’ll have arrived in Middle Earth about 3000 years too early. On top of that there are just a lot of other timeline deviations, including the order of the forging of the rings which you would imagine the whole show to be about.
Sweet. Yeah I’m the same way. I will just not watch YouTube on my phone if I can’t have an ad free experience
Very strange. Well I hope you can get it figured out !
Are you using the revanced manager to patch the apk?
That’s so strange! I just updated mine within the last couple of days and it works just fine
Because I do like the wallet function. I just don’t need it. But I greatly prefer an ad free life to the convenience of wallet.
If this stops revanced from working it will be my push to install grapheneos. I don’t need the wallet function really.
How do you like Manjaro? I am on normal arch with kde and I love it. Manjaro’s own repos scare me.
Unfortunately there are no dragons left who have the fire to test it :/
I disagree that the UI/DE/WM is a good way to evaluate a distro. One could make any distro look and feel like any other.
In my opinion one should look primarily at three factors:
From there just choose either Debian or Arch and install the UI you want with the DE/WM
Pieces of shit devices
(Point of Sale, jokes aside. But they often are POS as well.)
What do you mean by “apt/pacman”? Which one are you using?
Doesn’t Hagrid famously have a west country accent?
Gratuitous can be used to mean the same thing, but English speakers also use gratis
sudo apt install firefox
This is all that needs to be said.