DJT is the ultimate cuck- he gets off watching his country get fucked.
DJT is the ultimate cuck- he gets off watching his country get fucked.
If they require you to use the bastion, then trying to avoid it is probably a bad idea.
If the bastion is running an ssh server, you can jump through it with ssh pass through (using -J).
SSM provides session manager which allows you to skip having a bastion altogether- it basically lets you start an “ssh” session to a private instance without opening ports or networking using aws creds. This requires that you have access permissions to do this and that ssm is enabled.
But… if the reason you are using the bastion is so that they can inspect the traffic, then they’re not gonna let you bypass it via ssm because that also bypasses the managed networking.
How much power could $36 million dollars worth of solar panels produce over 1 year I wonder? And then keep them going for 30 years? And another $180 million worth of panels over the next 5 years, and millions more in panels up to 2050? I feel like the power produced by an array that size over 30 years would far eclipse the value of what little carbon this will extract.
They pop up regardless- the “algorithm”. I downvote and block the worst of them to try and reduce it, but Google still ends up pushing some in
It’s all over YouTube shorts from shitty third world content theft channels.
Make sure you’re not mixing up MBps and Mbps. Internet speed is almost always measured in megabits (Mbps) not megaBytes (MBps), the former being 1/8 of the equivalent megabytes per second.
55 megaBYTES per second is just fine, that’s a full HD movie download in about 3 minutes. 55 megaBITS would be about 24 minutes for the same thing. Would that matter to you? No idea. But if you’re currently at 100, everything would take about twice as long as before the switch regardless.
Not all servers are running on the public internet.
Thereare Linux servers running that haven’t had reboots in years.
Hey guys, more wonderful things religion is doing for humanity! :/
That’s so strange, Russia has such a good track record for warm hospitality and no genocide and stuff.
Pork is amazing.
I e only ever had Japanese cars, and they’ve all been great. A Nissan, a Toyota, and a Subaru.
Probably sent him a pair of his soiled tighty whities too.
I hope every million dollars worth of drones obliterates a billion dollars of Russia. And some orcs too.
Who fucking cares
And trump won the dick sucking contest!