Or maybe the US should have stopped Catherine the great from annexing Crimea. Jesus you people.
Or maybe the US should have stopped Catherine the great from annexing Crimea. Jesus you people.
Maybe no civilian targets. But other than that totally agree. We should have put lend lease circa 1940s to shame
He should put it back on. He keeps taking it off so he never gets used to it. Like I said. Three weeks of hell. Keep that sucker on.
Three weeks of agony. Totally worth it. I have a deviated septum so I can’t do a nose pillow, but there’s really low impact options if you’re able.
Made me chortle
I’m gonna get high then come back and read this
For sure a nuke is overkill. My point is you don’t need a missile to deliver a nuke is all.
A truck can deliver a nuke. Just pack it in cat litter and drive it onto that bridge in Crimea. Should knock that stupid thing out finally.
Fair enough.
Idk man. I lived there for 4 years. Competent is not the word I would use to describe that place
Glad to see this fucking lunatic finally shut up
I know you said hypothetically. What do you not understand about me not trusting arandom internet weirdo that’s already demonstrated their not to be trusted? I’m not playing your sick games.
No, I’m just not taking your bait. Here’s how that would go “fine, I’ll bet 3k” you: “great, put your money where your mouth is an bet me”. You have done nothing in good faith with anyone this while thread. It’s not about my confidence, it’s about my mistrust of YOU. And just your weird obsession with this. She doesn’t look the way YOU think a woman should so you believe this bs. You’re fucking gross. You’re fucking weird and I don’t want to be associated with you through a bet. Get a hobby. Get a life you weird loser.
Man, you’re really invested in this. None, cause I’m not a gross weirdo.
I read it. The article never states that. Both boxers were tested and found eligible to fight before the tournament. Hours before Khelif’s championship bout against a Chinese boxer she was found ineligible. The IBA is corrupt top to bottom, from the refs to the president. “The public can read between the lines”. That’s a credible statement? The IBA is a credible source? It’s an unsubstantiated allegation. There is no credible evidence
Incorrect. There is no credible evidence to suggest that.
Gotta take the good with the bad I guess?
I know there are laws where you can’t travel to certain countries with criminal convictions. Like if you have a DUI you can’t go to Canada. Surely a child rape conviction should keep you out of France.
And he’s intentionally obtuse. What a winner.