Doing the lords work.
Doing the lords work.
Permaseed is the default. To disable perma-seed would be to set an upload limit, like a time amount or a ratio.
I run a ratio of 2:1 for most stuff
This is especially useful for Books. Small torrents are so hard to find. I perma seed books/audiobooks and copy to my slskd directory because they’re so hard.
What are the transaction costs?
Is it to the point where I can feasibly purchase it with a credit card and spend it as Monero without paying 25% more?
At the very least, be sure to put your current library out on soulseek.
Not gonna lie, I’m considering paying for Deezer to move back to this.
You can automate downloads with Lidarr. I’m set up to download every song by every artist that Last.FM recommends.
Currently, I’m using Soularr, but it’s really slow and not always FLAC and not always full albums and the metadata is not always perfect.
Well my “Server” just a repurposed desktop with a headless debian install.
At the lower end, it’s a pretty rocky line. It’s easy to image a person who games during the day and torrents at night on the same machine. Or runs a plex server but only when they want to watch something while they sleep.
You can’t just say that and not elaborate. Btw, she’s underaged
Thunderbird is blue and has opt-out telemetry.
That is it right now.
Time to upvote and not donate.
I have about 6 songs that I really like by the Beatles. Anything else I’ll end up skipping, no matter how hard I try.
I couldn’t figure out watchtower. I just made a script to pull and restart and scheduled it to run daily at midnight.
One of the gen 9 pokemon games. I think violet?
I was out with my wife’s family coordinating with my brother by text trying to get it downloaded.
What’s the Morrowind one?
I just started playing
The word fly knife never showed up in Naruto.
I’m fully aware of what a SHA file is, and it’s entirely unimportant to me.
Admittedly, I did check the arch image I use at work.