my stepdad had a round tuit. you can buy them!
my stepdad had a round tuit. you can buy them!
this is how i justified going to exams stoned back in my undergrad days. i studied high, figured i better test high.
i would absolutely try this.
i eat a LOT of kraut, probably five days a week. also enjoy sardines and mayo on toast with capers. followed by kraut, which pairs well with the salty capered dregs left in the sardine tin.
this makes me irrationally angry. who thought this was a clever idea?!
looks like they have tried to take that one as well. 🙄
erhoslab is still around, last i checked. nice guy, nice voice, no screaming.
i’m hearing this about our state DFPS - as far as i know, you now only need to be 18 and you need to have graduated high school. then you get to destroy families.
i believe you can do this if you choose and when you’re ready. i won’t lie - it’s not easy, but you may decide if is easier than staying. the dv hotline can direct you to local services, including housing. be careful if you begin to explore your options; he may escalate.
(800) 799-7233. if you can safely search, they also have text and chat contact online.
i gotta be honest, i’m not entirely sure what is intended. this decision doesn’t make sense to me!