Can I borrow a dollar
Can I borrow a dollar
We should send them some popsicles
Bad dragon, my tiny rose petal still gets sore on rainy days
You are motherfucker
Was she your first 🥰
Yeah I know what it means. Don’t you think that’s a little strange coming from mom? Bow chicka wow wow 😽
If you get hung in a rut, you better lock those hubs in. Cat get your tail out the fire!
The what
Too bad he’s a criminal now or id tell em to come to merica where he can carry a real pistol like a big boy
Storm the Capitol again in Minecraft
They keep talking about how much they like turtles
A. I need to see your ID…B. Is it true that it’s sideways??
Palestine Pickup. Pp for short
Mr. Skeletal use some better font and background combos
Pretty effective huh. I’m inside yo head foo!!
How much time you got brother/sister?
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