It has it’s own problems, but many government structures in Brazil were designed to prevent a return to dictatorship after democracy was “restored”.
Software Developer from a germanic region in south Brazil.
I may occasionally post about #software, #dotnet, #csharp, #fsharp, #politics, #theology, #christianity
Politically leaning towards #ChristianAnarchism
ora et labora
It has it’s own problems, but many government structures in Brazil were designed to prevent a return to dictatorship after democracy was “restored”.
Didn’t he like dictators?
Personally I prefer it starting on Sunday, but also here with Portuguese being the main language it only makes sense to start on Sunday, Monday to Friday are called second-fair, third-fair, fourth-fair, fifth-fair, and sixth-fair. Fair as in either market or festival.
Isn’t it more “the UN being created around 5 countries with veto power”?
I haven’t really looked into it, but isn’t Friendica supposed to be the FOSS Fediverse Facebook?
Much better, CS Lewis also made him the cool protagonist of his Cosmic Trilogy
Both, but the second always gets stuck before the end.
Dipyrone. It’s OTC here in Brazil, but it seems to be restricted in other places.
Here in Brazil they were legalized under Bolsonaro, and it was terrible. They are mainly making the weak and poor addicted to gambling and preying on them.
In a few months the poor lost millions of government assistance money to these Casinos.
And here in neighboring Brazil he is a “communist” because he dared criticize Bolsonaro.
It’s complicated…
My state is one of the most prosperous of the country, and built on numerous social policies, that even the “right-wing” politicians reflect, and mostly voted for Bolsonaro, because Lula represented a continuation of all previous governments that only cared about taking our wealth for nothing in return, or destroying our culture(s), and Bolsonaro was the first to pretend to care.
There’s a lot of historical resentment, many things justified, many exaggerated.
This is for my state, others must have other reasons.
I voted against Bolsonaro because for me it was clear he was just more of the same, just with a façade of change. By me both Lula and Bolsonaro should be cell mates.
But my state of not one of the affected (directly) by the fires.
I can’t exactly say for the other states, but for mine (Santa Catarina), the governor has since the beginning of the mandate avoided any and all meetings with Lula, even finding some bullshit excuse to leave the state when Lula came here for a public works inauguration.
For too many here “doing anything” “hurts the economy”
Bolsonaro has his share of guilt today, but this is a decades old issue, centuries even if extending to the colonial exploitation culture.
Not just lack of preparation, many governors are actively hostile to Lula and conservation efforts, and many farmers are creating more fires to spite Lula and “support” Bolsonaro.
There’s also “childhood amnesia” caused by the hormonal changes of puberty.
Abortion is sometimes the less monstrous alternative in a horrible situation, and it should never be seen as less than that.
Women should have enough social safety nets that abortion would never even cross their minds.
It is mostly Capitalism with its focus on productivity and selling youth and beauty that pressures women into it, women are “freeing” themselves into Capitalistic slavery.
From: “leftist” privileged cis het white guy, feel free to ignore or bash me