I can’t even imagine what color the sky would be in that world…
I can’t even imagine what color the sky would be in that world…
I don’t use, but I assume this is an effect of Zuckerberg cozying up to the orange man and rolling back moderation of this kind of thing.
I think an awful lot of them actually have more leftish values, but they are convinced (and there is a huge self reinforcing bubble of that mentality, between media, politicians, and voters) that only the weakest, most watered down version of that can possibly succeed, politically.
like most things, conversation skill is mainly not a conscious thing. any skill a human is reasonably good at is done mostly by unconscious parts of brain, under only loose direction from your conscious mind. most things happen too quickly for deliberate conscious reasoning, which is rather slow. you can’t expect to create a set of rules to run through in your head while you converse. it is more like training a neural net, or an llm or something. you give it feedback, like when you make someone angry, you tell it ‘don’t do that’ (ideally just in the form of feeling bad) and eventually it learns. but it takes time.
There is no ‘supposed to’ about making friends with people you work with. Some may have that opinion but lots of people have made friends with coworkers. Sure if the friendship goes sour it could get awkward at work, but lots of people can navigate friendship without drama.
It’s hard to tell nuance from a text rendering of that conversation, but it potentially sounds like you were rude to coworker 2, reacting dismissively to their comment.
It’s not very impervious to water.
I just measured my usual toilet and while the hole is more squarish than the round one in the picture, the 16.5 length is about right. I don’t have any problem. I’ve got average sized junk, and have maybe a slender to medium build.
Maybe weight, whether one is a ‘shower’ vs a ‘grower’, or some particular anatomical proportion play into it, I don’t know. Maybe how far back one sits is key. Maybe people vary in their butthole to junk measurement. But I don’t think this is as universal a problem as OP thinks. But, hey I’m all in favor of a longer toilet standard for those for whom it is.
It takes years to develop the skill to make a pot that doesn’t look amateurish.
Maybe this is too obvious, but I’m surprised no one has said Joe Pera yet.
Tonic water has quinine. Seltzer doesn’t.
From what I’ve read, masking is common in both ADHD and the autism spectrum. I don’t know if what you describe falls under that or not, but it bears some resemblance to what I experience and have come to believe is in my case a form of masking.
Could it be a masking thing? I am reflexively secretive about the oddest most innocuous things. I think this is an ADHD masking thing, a way of preempting the possibility that something I do will be seen as weird. I’m not aware of experiencing it as embarrasment, but I could imagine it manifesting that way.
I don’t know about ‘better’, but I prefer it for being less fumey, I feel better about occasionally getting some on my skin, and prefer not using petroleum derivatives. I know there’s low fume mineral spirits and I’ve used that for paint cleanup, but i’m not confident it behaves the same for finishes.
I buy the orange stuff by the gallon because I can use it for bike chain degreasing, and woodworking ( as a solvent for oil finishes, etc.), etc.
One common, readily available, relatively unharmful type is citrus decreasers like Citrisolv or similar.
I think genX most keeps their mouth shut about the generation wars because they were least touched by propaganga about it. Boomers were primed from the start with bullshit about the specialness of their generation. And it wasn’t until genx was old enough to be over it, that the divisive cross-generation blaming got into full swing.
The gum you like is going to come back into style.
Ok, but do you really think the next one percent down is much different?
Really, you think the 1% is just uniquely bad? You don’t think there might be a systemic problem?
The Atlantic