Can you elaborate a bit more? I don’t seem to understand what you mean.
Can you elaborate a bit more? I don’t seem to understand what you mean.
Protests are only good if they’re annoying. They’re meant to be annoying. They’re meant to make other people notice, to stop traffic, to cause delays and ideally an economic hit to the city. If nobody felt the protest, how do you expect it to have an effect?
Probably years, if not more. XKCD’s “What If?” has a nice explanation on a similar question, but in that case it was a portal at the bottom of the mariana trench and the question was about draining the oceans. The answer is that you probably wouldn’t notice in all your lifetime.
If you torrent media, you should keep it at least until you have a positive ratio. Torrenting is a group effort, and every time someone has a negative ratio, someone else needs to overcompensate for it. If you don’t keep your ratios, you’re also making the torrent die, which is bad for media preservation.
Yeah I know I should, and it’s on my list, but I haven’t changed it yet lol. I’m making it work like this and if I can stretch it until they replace it for a more capable model, that’s money that I don’t have to spend on it.
They may be
250 active connections is the limit with my ISP provided router. You can get beyond that, but it causes a lot of instability, and eventually, the network fails and the router reboots.
On another note, I don’t limit my bandwidth at all and I’ve managed to get uploads/downloads of up to 142% the speed which I should get.
Not really, at least not because of the data access. Drives mainly die because of their age.
SSDs will basically not degrade by reading them, they only degrade when you write to them.
HDDs can get degraded because of data access, but most HDD deaths are caused by bearing failures or head crashes, which are more of a matter of power-on hours.
What all of this means is that if you already kept your device on 24/7, your drives aren’t gonna degrade noticeably faster by having your torrent client accessing them all the time.
You don’t get warnings in Spain, I have never seen one or met anyone who saw one. And I have seeded hundreds of TiB of linux ISOs from a home computer.
Yeah it sounds so bizarre to me… What do you mean your ISP is constantly snooping all your encrypted traffic or trying to de-anonimize you by making undercover peers? That doesn’t sound very net neutral…
There is scripting on them, and afaik it’s actually javascript. It’s a limited version of it (the actual specification was supposed to allow for data sending and receiving, and complete arbitrary code), but it’s enough to run code. A madlad has ported doom and linux to PDF, and you can fully run them on a compliant enough pdf viewer.
(My bad, I wanted to reply to a higher post, but I’m gonna leave this here cuz federation is sometimes weird with deleted comments)
Smashing Pumpkins Into Small Pieces Of Putrid Debris
Idk why it has also stuck with me, it’s a really cool cheatcode
Blender was made for Linux, the compatibility issues happen with windows (they’re still really rare, blender is an amazing program).
Dunno about houdinifx, I don’t know that software.
And I’m assuming you mean Unreal Engine with ue, in which case, game engines not only should work on every platform but they’re especially tested on linux cuz many developers use Linux.
As long as you are in some way connected to the same network as the TV (by cable, wifi, black magic…) you can use jellyfin.
I haven’t used it yet, nor any other ChatGPT based technology.
The only AI I’ve used is Google Gemini (pretty similar to ChatGPT), and it’s been for completing assignments in a way that makes clear I don’t wanna do them, because it’s still pretty noticeable when you use AI for anything.
Nah they just spend too much money on lawyers so they need them to always be doing something.
Dunno why it’s down, could be them forgetting to renew the domain or another issue. I don’t think that was on purpose.
However, owner and devs are using the downtime to change some infrastructure internally, and that’s why it hasn’t come back up yet.
ETA for recovery last tuesday was ~a week, so I’m guessing it will be back up soon.
The world is gonna roll me
Protests are not made for other people to join, protests are made to show the government/ruling class that the workers are angry and how much harm they could do to their business. People joining in and becoming interested in the fight is a nice side effect.