I eat tacos bell
I eat tacos bell
Rtx 3070
Upgraded my highschool family desktop I took to college with a GeForce 8800 GT , used until I build a new pc with a Radeon 7970 GHz edition, which was replaced with a rx580 after the card passed away from light coin poisoning. Desktop is now running unRAID and my new main rig has a gtx 3070 in.
I like to think that I’m a better critical thinker than most, but I fell for the initial news story about her being trans or intersex and the fight being unfair. Then I saw the pictures of her over the years and as a kid, and I dug deeper into what actually happened and I honestly feel dirty. I’ve since been unsubbing to a lot YouTubers.
If you live near a college, check their surplus or recycling. I got a brother printer for the low price of fixing a paper jam.
My alignment is neutral good
It tastes like ass, but over time you grow to enjoy the taste of ass, and eventually you prefer the taste of ass .