I’ve been out of synthetic bio for damn near two decades now, and an undergrad when was I even in it, but I’m not so sure. PCR didn’t come around until 85. I had professors that used to do every cycle manually. Human genome project wrapped in 03(?). You can order custom oligos for like $0.13USD a base pair mail order now. You type it in on a webform, a machine creates a custom molecule for you, and if you want to pay a little extra you can have it over-night. I suppose it depends what you call “near future”, and synthetic biology has always had moving goal posts when it came to “functional liposome” and “synthetic life”, but I don’t know… shit can move fast sometimes.
ooooh this is it! If you wanted to optimize evil add photosynthesis and nitrogen fixing and you’ve got it.
Hell, I’d bet you could work on the chloroplasts in isolation of the rest of the organism to parallel path the research and optimize.