I think they’re being sarcastic?.. I hope they’re being sarcastic.
I think they’re being sarcastic?.. I hope they’re being sarcastic.
I think they’re trying to say that, because they have to be paid to praise one country’s completely unprovoked invasion of another, therefore they are a better person than us, who, unpaid, say Ukraine is in the right, therefore we “love war.” It is a weird fucking flex.
Oh, yikes, that does seem poorly-designed for the majority of use cases. Thank you for taking the time to write that up and recommend alternatives, I really appreciate understanding it better.
Wait, if not Matrix, what is a good software for this? I thought it was preferred for having an E2E encryption implementation.
If they thought they would profit from a direct murder, they would. It’s not like they ever see any significant penalties for murder.
Usually it is an indirect murder, though. Like we are reading about chicken processing plants deciding it is more profitable to maim or kill children rather than pay adults.
Libertarians writing Invisible Hand fan fiction.
I think you’re supposed to accept only articles from the Grayzone, and those without any fact checking whatsoever.
“This is western propaganda, actually everyone can write what they like. Furthermore censorship is necessary to keep capitalist lies out of the country, so being banned from criticizing the government is a good thing.”
That is why I wrote specifically “long dungeons,” yeah. Those are simple and short, all the same little floating skulls, maybe one treasure that is a mild head-scratcher to get at. The boss fights in there are barely distinct from each other. It feels cheap compared to previous releases.
They did put all those tool puzzles into shrines. But they are one-offs and simplified. It takes longer to find a shrine than to solve it. And too many of them are just “fight this same little spidery guy again.”
The whole experience strikes me as Zelda for people who hated the majority of the content in previous games.
BotW is just not a Zelda game at all. It is a very mid outdoor walking simulator with fetch quests. I don’t care about the breakable weapons, even. I want the collection of tools, the long dungeons with puzzles using those tools, and the bosses vulnerable to those tools.
I assume that is their point.
Was that video the X-Files episode Hollywood AD?
Is the answer not chattel slavery?
Yeah I don’t know what the right way to stop them is, but the Marketplace of Ideas sure as fuck isn’t preventing Nazi delusions from spreading and taking root. I think we are ready to try alternative solutions such as jail or punches in the face.
Thank you! I thought the internals of a 3D printed gun still needed metal parts to withstand firing, but that comment gave me the impression that a 3D printed part could be treated somehow. It makes more sense that the plastic is used as a jig / mask, rather than as the final component.
The Onion is quite accurate, they just publish too early.
What does the machine do for pressure-bearing parts?
I thought you were the apple out of naive belief that people can reason with bigoted groups. But it seems like you are closer to being a member than an onlooker. That’s really the point of the comic, isn’t it? The apple is not participating in good faith.
If you can reason people out of the hatred, why do we still have any people at all denying the Holocaust happened? The Nazis documented it thoroughly.
Sometimes it is pleasant to defederate from an instance, especially if nothing of value is lost.