It’s wild how much stuff is manufactured on processes considered obsolete for high end cpu/gpu production
It’s wild how much stuff is manufactured on processes considered obsolete for high end cpu/gpu production
I use the assistant, because it has so many models to choose from. I hope they can make a mobile app for it in the future
I’ve found Kagi has been good enough to justify the subscription price. I like that I can block certain sites, pin and promote others. It has some neat AI features but they only activate when requested and never replace actual results.
Racist stereotypes are still racist
It’s just unfounded racism
Yeah I wasn’t confused by the diesel generator, but typically electric motors are smaller and simple enough that they’re not considered an engine.
Wait why would you need two engines? Or are you counting the diesel generator as one and the electric motor as one?
Or even non-democratic countries. Brutal dictatorships usually get a larger international response, even from other dictatorships.
Israel is trying its best to make sure the new Syrian government continues war with them even after they’ve expressed no interest in doing so.
Shitty that they would withhold passengers belongings unless it was damaged or would otherwise be necessary for the investigation
IDF took first and second place
Does anyone actually believe Israel has any intent to give up land once they’ve occupied it?
The marginal extra disk spaces used by flatpak really isn’t a concern for most users, much less valve. If you do everything in flatpak and your apps only use current runtime versions, the additional space used by flatpak is in the megabytes, since libraries like libc are going to be on your host no matter what.
Is almost as if their goal isn’t security within their borders, but just regular conquest.
This guy in 1944: “Those Jews really had it coming for them, the savages deserved it”
Even then I think we’ve been proving a foreign government can fuck up another country from the other side of the world since at least 1492.
Palestine, Syria
Israel: We want you dead to steal your land.
Arabs: Leave us the fuck alone.
USA: Certainly we can find some mutual understanding. sends billions in weapons to Israel and labels the Arabs as terrorists
I started Adderall XR several months ago. My experience during the first week was that I was superhuman and could actually get things done. The first day I think I experienced the euphoria that I presume recreational users go for, but never since. After about a month it wasn’t doing much for me, psychiatrist adjusted the dosage, and it’s been decent ever since. Some days I can really feel it working, other days not so much. I mostly work from home (software dev) so I have a pretty strong control over my environment, but despite that I haven’t been able to figure out what might cause (or even influence) good days and bad days with stimulants. I would encourage you to keep meeting with your psychiatrist, there are like a dozen different medications and maybe this one just isn’t yours. Besides, you’ve arguably the hardest part by getting that first appointment. Best of luck!
So the difference is in the kind of holding space?