Boston dynamics already did.
Add some saddle bags and ratchet strap a large plastic container up top.
Boston dynamics already did.
Add some saddle bags and ratchet strap a large plastic container up top.
Had this convo with an older coworker and he said it was common for parents that couldn’t handle their kids ( meaning they didn’t parent) to get a doc to medicate them. He had a friend who would be energetic and funny first 2 hours, then go to the nurse and become a zombie for the rest of the day.
Police aint gonna release the snitch’s name and then say they aren’t gonna pay either. Was there ever a snitch?
Yeah, I didn’t exist for billions of years and I’m fine…ish. idk what happens after though
Lukashenko: why are there troops with wings sprayed on their vehicles massing near my border?
I hope their artillery is accurate and plentiful. May the Russians bunch up and N.K troops shoot them in a panic.
TL;DR goats(the animal) have rough tongues that may rip skin off and could be used as a form of torture.
Betting against LeBron has caused me financial and emotional damage.
That saber has been ground down to a foil at this point
Russia gonna start collecting urine and wood ash as vital resources for national defense.
Yup, doesn’t help that Afghanistan is like 5 territories masquerading as one whole state. The only reason Afghanistan hasn’t split is because of the Taliban holding it together.
All we gotta do is convince the sky to jump in, and these billionaires are gonna have to drive everywhere.
Trump could have done what W did and hand off everything to the VP, and spent all his time golfing, grifting and shit talking, but, because he’s a narcissist, he has to control everything and he’s horrible at it.
Which just goes to show that money makes money. This fool, despite his incompetence, bankruptcy, etc., still has money some how.
My brain starts an argument, then after a couple of tangents, starts focusing on my worries and shit.
'Nam flashback to the Gif/Jif pronouciation wars.
There was a story I read a while back where, during a firefight, the soldier called the manufacturer’s hot line and got his issue fixed. I’d love to hear a soldier screaming over artillery that their stupid HIMARS isn’t accepting the new rockets and Lockheed puts them on hold.
Currently in college. They are agnostic as it’s all turned in on PDF files, quizzes on browser, etc but my online classes require I install some root kit program to make sure I’m not cheating and it detects if it’s on a VM. I talked to IT and they let me borrow a laptop with windows. Slow as hell, but I only need it for the online tests so 4 times a semester.
I got a coworker who started flipping houses. Went all in and just finished posting her third house for sale. They got a second(third?) job to can pay the mortgages/loans until they sell. It’s been 4 months and they’ve dropped the price to be competitive. I think they’re gonna lose money after all this is said and done. Which couldn’t happen to a more deserving person. They’re the reason bosses are cracking down on us for every single thing. They aren’t sleeping and keep fucking up. Fuck these leaches
They’re allowed, just incapable.
Fuck, sights are off!
Uneven load shifted as I was about halfway out. Too afraid to try to shift the forks over to try and balance it as it was up about 8m up. The most experienced operator passed by 10 seconds later and said yeah hold up and pushed the load towards the center. After it was safely on the ground, he asked if I got scared. Told him I needed to check my pants. He laughed and said," good! You’ll always remember and it will never happen to you again."