Qtwebengine is just Chromium with qt on top.
Just someone running away from Reddit.
Qtwebengine is just Chromium with qt on top.
There are a handful of repos that have also been updating the extensions too, so all good. Most active seems to be from keiyoushi.
Tachiyomi is dead, long live Tachiyomi.
I’m a 1, but i have to really concentrate. If I’m just thinking quickly then im around a 2 or 3. And yes, I do watch porn.
I think it fits the sub.
What’s the name gonna be? Brenter?
It’s all local, except when it isn’t.
My desktop OS history:
I’ve used others, but not enough to warrant a place in the list above.
Yeah, I speak German, but in German it’s spelt Text.
I don’t know what the answer to your question is, but I love the way tekst is spelt.
It is not, you may be confusing it with retrodeck, which is solely distributed as a flatpak.
devil wallpaper
not a BSD user
My brain bugged a little when I saw arch linux on the terminal.
I find this comment really funny, because while gnome is very customisable compared to the desktop environments in macos and Windows, compared to the majority of DEs/WMs in Linux, it’s not very customisable at all.
Very bittersweet read.
On Reddit people use emojis a lot
I find this really funny. I used reddit for about a decade, and I remember redditors absolutely hating emojis. Reddit really changed, in the time I used it and rarely did it change for the better.
It’s not open source. It’s source available.
I’m an unstable male. Fun to play with, lots of problems.
I would personally use grafana, but zabbix is also a good choice.