He/Him (CIS Male) 🏳️🌈|🌍| ♻️
Ok but. That’s not all you know?? Forever chemicals are directly attributable to DuPont as well, and they KNEW it too. I’m sure there are more skeletons in THAT particular closet.
TIME - Companies Knew the Dangers of PFAS ‘Forever Chemicals’—and Kept Them Secret
Please; show some respect to assholes. What we have here is a clearly unelected unrepresentative uniformly unqualified nazi turd; or, a cuuuunt if you will. 😝
Fuck around and find out is his new M.O.
The Death report for Kurt Cobain. Mostly from morbid curiosity and a love for Nirvana. I don’t do that for everyone or anything like that. That’s the weirdest one. 😅
For this one thing. Only because Trump. Don’t give Orban much credit. He’s a monkey 🐒 with cymbals dancing to tunes of others. He doesn’t care about anything but himself. Just like his idols.
He did it for his luggage… and hadn’t bought a ticket anyway.
When questioned by police, the man said he jumped on the outside of the train because his luggage was still inside.
A Pirate can be eco-conscious without breaking Pirate ‘code’.
Apparently it lost all power which is rare. It’s in the USA too, that black box.
I have a curiosity though:
Two minutes before the Mayday emergency call, air traffic control gave caution for “bird activity”. Declaring emergency, the pilots abandoned the landing attempt and initiated a go-around.
But instead of making a full go-about, the budget airline’s Boeing 737-800 jet took a sharp turn and approached the airport’s single runway from the opposite end, crash-landing without landing gear deployed.
So it landed from the opposite way? Is that normal? Why are they so angry about the concrete barrier, if it was on the side where planes should approach from, and not at the opposite side where they land?
I understand the barrier caused the main fire etc. yes it’s horrible. I’m sorry for all those people. I wonder what the hell happened before it crash landed. Like if they were forced to come from opposite side instead of did the full go around or if it was pilots choice.
So stupid. It worked in Europe … hurrdurr. No. They literally caught people both times. Here again, caught again.
Agreed. Hungary needs to learn Orban is Allbad and dump his ass.
Ha! You must be new here.
When we have work at office days on days with tons of meetings I get so dead inside. Like I didn’t have to get up and prep and come here just to put on headphones in a cubicle all day did I? Christ. At least at home I’m relaxed and listening
So Amazon does it. That doesn’t mean it’s a trend of everyone going back to fucking work. Stop making it seem as if WFH is going away. People will fight tooth and nail for it now. If you pull it away then your best workers will go elsewhere.
I mean, leopards eating faces. He gets what he wants which is friction with the EU. I’m tired of him. Hungarians need to step it up. They’re amazing people (history and food too) who have a horrible mini-tyrant and seem to be budding up to Russia (cheap gas? Or why?).
You’ve a lot of this stuff eh? What is the draw for you? Are they blank on the other sides? Like unsent ones or? It would be fun to look through them and also a great way to share.
I urge you to consider WEBP format perhaps. Its quality remains and the file sizes are much smaller. Saving you room for more. Also if you do scan these, mayb something like a Doxie would work. I have an old one which is fantastic and quick for single side scans of this size, and no need for the lifting of flatbed and swapping. Saving much time if you have many.
Hamrick.com? At first I thought it was a driver website. Scroll down to see features. MacOS also. Looks good for scanning. I’ve been using paperlesss-ngx in a docker. Never used before so I learned it just for this tool. It’s not as flashy and maybe isn’t aimed at photos, but documents instead. For photo stuff I’m using Lightroom classic. It’s also kinda new to me. But I’m learning. I’m hesitant to put my photos online and I’m not eager to run and maintain a photo gallery. I only peruse my photos time to time and then it’s nice having the meta tags and such to find things.
What other tools/apps do people use? I’m lowkey avoiding anything with subscription pricing, especially with photos and online hosting.
Huh. Ok but there are actually standards to say, shoe sizes, and the materials used in their manufacture, and that flashlights are accommodating standard battery sizes… and the toilet’s fixtures so that it would actually work with… the standard plumbing. Literally the world around you is built on standards. 📏📐
You’re not wrong about fashion though! Style and everything which supplements all that standard, is what we want. Just anything so that it doesn’t look standard. We humans are a bit funny. 😄
Right?? My first thought was, another excuse to raise prices and shrinkflate even more. Because that’s the solution! 🤬
My Nemo, momo, was last year. Something about them. Special little ones. God bless.
Yup. It’s shitty that Americans don’t get help and the government is actively making it worse. Unfortunately it’s the reality. So unless it hurts, people are not going to change or scream loud enough at their inbred redneck senator to change it.