The whole “more cows and computerized milking raised prices of milk” reeks of anti-industrial Luddite garbage.
Near my university there was an underground bakery open from 18:30 to 6:30, and whenever you were drunk or high coming out of some university party or just a night of drinking with your friends you’d end up going there and it was amazing. At a reasonable cost, some high sugar and fat pastries, or just a warm croissant, served by an immigrant man in his 50s who would call everyone nephew. All this through a tiny barred window below the earth. A wonderful thing.
We’ll have warm seas like in Earth’s infancy soon enough.
It’s unfortunate that he’s lived to be 95 and still hasn’t managed to swallow his ego and admit the Bosnian or Cambodian genocides happened. I guess the ideological blindness is just too strong.
Destroying the subsidies that the previous governments had has made inflation worse in the short term but should improve it in the long term. He says this and people believe it, so they’re powering through the bad times awaiting the better times. In a way he’s in his honeymoon period, and some people like him better because he’s actually following through his policies instead of being all talk.
Evangelion was written by an insane religious fanatic searching pointlessly for a divine reason for choosing to exist. You don’t have to watch it, I release you.
Not relevant anymore, TempleOS now has more users than BSD.