Might have just found out about another?
Hezbollah hand-held radios detonate across Lebanon, sources say - https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-planted-explosives-hezbollahs-taiwan-made-pagers-say-sources-2024-09-18/
Might have just found out about another?
Hezbollah hand-held radios detonate across Lebanon, sources say - https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-planted-explosives-hezbollahs-taiwan-made-pagers-say-sources-2024-09-18/
Sun Tzu nods, wisely.
Mine used to do this with roaches. Not even kidding.
I hope this doesn’t just dissolve into hand-waving and general dismissal based on “he said / she said”. Someone call the bluff and let’s see the cards face-up.
Do I upvote or downvote this? What does that cat want from us?
I hope they keep pursuing this inquiry:
At the time of writing, it is unclear whether these virtual impersonations resulted in any criminal investigations or charges against US-based victims whose IP addresses were hijacked as part of the 911 S5 botnet. WIRED is awaiting a response from the Department of Justice regarding this concern.
Plz don’t shid on floor