mathemachristian tries not to gargle authoritarian nuts (impossible challenge)
mathemachristian tries not to gargle authoritarian nuts (impossible challenge)
sweet and sour sauce, but the thing you’re talking about are chicken balls
nuh uh, make it laser guided
this is most likely from feeling let down by the liberal party. especially since they seem to push in a direction that only profits them
sadly, i don’t see the ndp gaining any popular votes and people will flock to conservative nutcases hoping for change
i just want a BRDM man, they look great, are amphibious, have their own tire inflation system, cabin filtration, 4 big wheels and 4 small ones on a chain drive system
Kinda hard when it’s a baked recipe. Bread recipes especially seem to have a habit of pinch measurements, and yet you can’t taste it before baking
Ted Cruzhev
holy shit dude what doesn’t offend you?
and the fact that you have nothing negative to say about authoritarians shows enough where your bitch ass stands.
absolute clown.