A whistleblower is likely to have access to sensitive data or other forms of leverage not directly linked to whatever they’re whistleblowing on. Of course this sort of insurance policy would be useful to them.
A whistleblower is likely to have access to sensitive data or other forms of leverage not directly linked to whatever they’re whistleblowing on. Of course this sort of insurance policy would be useful to them.
Any words in particular? I can only think of certain ableist and misogynist slurs which are uniquely(?) censored on .ml, which I would imagine could be deeply hurtful to those who have been subjected to abuse and discrimination, and are thrown around too readily by ignorant and uncaring sorts (including my past self.)
It would be nice, of course, to be in a world where such measures weren’t necessary to create a welcoming space for all, but we’re evidently some way off.
it’s not my job to educate you
A tossup between books 7-10 of the Wheel of Time series. I gave up half way through book 10 and resent the time that I wasted on the series. 20 years later I still recall the desperate hope that the next chapter/book would advance the storyline, only to be greeted with more subplots, stupid things happening because of characters inability/unwillingness to communicate, and overly verbose descriptions of every little thing.
I hear the final books, written by a different author, were much better.
Pizza Napoletana (usually margherita DOP or marinara when at home.)
One of my local Neapolitan pizzerias makes a fantastic pizza melanzane too.
High quality ingredients, carefully selected; less is most definitely more!
They do. Someone with a salary of €400,000 would take home approximately €242,000 after income tax.
Up to €10,777: 0% tax rate
From €10,778 to €27,478: 11% tax rate
From €27,479 to €78,570: 30% tax rate
From €78,571 to €168,994: 41% tax rate
More than €168,994: 45% tax rate
According to The EIU, the cost of living in Paris is similar to San Francisco.
Pea milk has a similar amount of protein to soya and dairy. It doesn’t have the beany flavour of soya (it’s the closest to dairy in terms of flavour IMHO) and works well in hot drinks.
I have no idea if it’s safe for cats though; it’s typically made from yellow split peas.