Ich stimme zu: beide wachsen lassen und ein grow-blog wäre sehr interessant
Ich stimme zu: beide wachsen lassen und ein grow-blog wäre sehr interessant
Another nice card for my collection
Do you think they’re of the same weight?
Just saw that you brought up the “charges were dropped” argument. That doesn’t proof anything besides, well, a lack of evidence. And even if their actions aren’t criminal here, they sure are morally questionable.
For me, the whole metoo movement around that topic made it very clear just how messed up that band really is (even thogh the music seemed great). The band didn’t adress the drama in a nice way aswell, sending cease and desist letters to people telling their story (reference
Well that doesn’t really adress the point
Boycott Rammstein though
Yeah that was my thought
Can someone link that link?
Hell yeah
And you have a lot to (look forward to) do which might actually help
Are we becoming boomer now? I certainly feel like it
No alt text on the fediverse 😭