gods, i miss sarah palin, simpler times, i think about jeb bush and sunday funday, i’m gonna splurge on some avocados so they’re ready for the big event and i just hope that i have enough advance notice to turn on “Rock You Like a Hurricane”
it’s like a 4d pun or smth
gods, i miss sarah palin, simpler times, i think about jeb bush and sunday funday, i’m gonna splurge on some avocados so they’re ready for the big event and i just hope that i have enough advance notice to turn on “Rock You Like a Hurricane”
hmm, i think that the issue is that we all live on the same body, non-americans included, and i don’t personally think that nukes are the best-case scenario for this world event, like i get that the cold war is over, but even if the u.s. can’t fire them off quick enough cause they fired all the employees, mby there could be other options before that comes to it, but i definitely probably am deluded, burying my head in the sand, and am just looking for the cheapest thrill before the big bang myself, this sounds like a super totally extra escalation my guy, i think they usually do do a bit of hand to hand surgery first before sitting back and enjoying the treatments usually
Spaced from Simon Pegg and Friends is probably the series i have rewatched the most, was just going to watch it again this week with a friend, it’s been a couple years, but it always is good
i completely agree, i just dislike the flavour of protein in general, it’s hard to find things that i like and maybe a lot of vegan options just don’t hide the bean taste enough for me either, the most processed meat has always been the most edible to me and i love a lot of vegan processed options as well, but when faced with the $2 sausages or the $7 sausages, it shouldn’t be expected to be the easiest choice for a shopper to make imo, i love anyone willing to take up that front for sure, but it’s funny just how willing some people seem to be to alienate people entirely from something that could only grow the gateway into the movement
i only eat so much quinoa and soba because it’s quicker to eat and doesn’t taste like meat or beans which are both honestly pretty good if they’re done right, but i don’t have the time or money, i look forward to the days of cheaper vegan options but we’re still a ways off and i splurge just whenever i can
also, if someone ever comes out with a vegan lil’ smokies (not a bbq carrot), and if someone remembers this post, pls msg me cause i would actually pay up to $12 a pack to fund the mission for something good and gross and easy like that for a litl potluck or even just for me with some mustard and pillsbury crescents -_-
the first game that i ever downloaded illegally was this rpg series Aveyond and i was absolutely obsessed with it growing up, i replayed some of it a few years back, still fun with an interesting story, i don’t know if i’d love it quite as much if it weren’t my first though
this is me, but i make another new folder and put everything in the new folder cause i don’t feel like looking to see if it could be important, i’ll do it later maybe
what’s a power bottom in lesbian?
instructions unclear, got turned into a zombie by cersei lannister
my belief that your belief has little impact on the reality?
the ability to scan one’s brain to unlock all the memories that i hope are still stored in there, uses would be things like knowing exactly how many times you’ve sneezed, how many sandwinches you’ve eaten, how many total minutes spent hiccuping, and you take the information and compare your stats with friends
i have this thing where when i’m focused, but switching tasks, i’ll click my tongue but it’s always the tune of nick nick nick n’nick nick nick o lo dea onnn
they rly gonna be out here clockin the gay dogs
bananas, bread, milk
not a movie, but charlie from iasip, he could fix me, i’d make him milk steak every night with extra jelly beans T-T i’d just have to kidnap him from the gang first -_-
poop on dirt, no hole
you misspelled butt pan
fr tho, i think it was likely plastic wrap that contributed to the delectably pert center
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