Those percentages feel like they’re intentionally completely over the top. There has to be a message there.
Those percentages feel like they’re intentionally completely over the top. There has to be a message there.
I’m not seeing any reference to Trump being honest in the article.
It’s fairly trivial for the US president to end the conflict. Stop supplying weapons to Ukraine and send them to Russia instead, and it’d be over in a week. This is something I fully believe Trump could do.
The UK doesn’t have a constitution, and it won’t get one any time soon. They’d have to get rid of the monarchy first, and that isn’t going to happen.
At least they managed to do that, unlike the center-left in other European countries.
Not in UK’s Conservative Party. They don’t mess around, if the leader doesn’t deliver, they’re out, no questions asked.
That must have been a huge bribe.
He did disrupt the Tories and thus the whole country. He managed to get Brexit done without even being elected, and even precisely in the way he wanted (no-deal Brexit, the hardest of them all).
Doesn’t mean that he’s not establishment.
Interesting that Chinese optometrists don’t use characters for these tests. With Chinese characters it’d probably be too unreliable I guess.
I’ve also heard the theory that eyes need ultraviolet light to grow properly, which is missing in artificial lighting.
Yes, but that’s not how it works in practice. Running a government is a huge money-making machine, and so it attracts the worst kind of people.
Of course they are in it for the money, what do you think?
Probably a lot longer. These SCOTUS decrees will last until the US crumbles to dust.
Although, they might have accellerated the timeline towards the end significantly.
It’s a bit hard to negotiate peace when both parties would rather die than stop attacking.
When the Right talks about stopping immigration, that’s what they actually mean.
That worked so well for the Germans in 1933, just do it again!
Yes, Putin has avoided those destinations so far. He even got warned by South Africa that they’d have to arrest him if he were to travel to a meeting there.
The sign means “Llama” in the sign language I’m currently learning… Guess we don’t talk about those far-right llamas.