This is a total non-story…
🌱🌿 Use Linux. Ride bikes. Eat plants. 🌱🌿 ALL RIGHTS ARE WON THROUGH VIOLENCE!
This is a total non-story…
Hilarious how absolutely worthless this bot is.
I find there’s almost nothing more fun in the bush than a side-by-side. Drives like a vehicle, performs like a quad, and has a roll cage, and sometimes a bed for storage and hauling. They can also double as a light duty truck, and you can even register some of them for use on public roads.
holy shit they are a lot of money for a SxS!!
Nothing about 3D printing is set-and-forget when you’re designing from the ground up…
Again, you’re talking about something I am not. I am talking about THIS problem, right here, that is categorically a windows problem, in that it’s not on the linux kernel stack, or mac. How is this NOT a windows problem??
xz attack
That has nothing to do with this. That was a security vulnerability, solved in record time, blame where it was due, and patched in hours.
If BMW makes a car that has square wheels and needs to have everyone install round wheels so the fucking thing works you can’t blame a company for making wheels.
It’s a Microsoft problem through and through.
Linux in the hands of professionals. There’s a reason IIS isn’t used anymore.
But that patch is for windows, not Linux. Not a hypothetical, this is happening.
You’re asking the wrong question: why does a security nightmare need a 90 billion dollar company to unfuck it?
How is it not a window problem?
15 seconds later it crashed down
Why did it take so long?
Not if you’re a defense contractor. Now they have more money than the government and tell it what to do. Isn’t capitalism great?!
Only you plebs argue about the constitution while the people in charge treat it like a napkin.
As someone who was in the infantry and knows a LOT of soldiers stationed at the DMZ, this shit is not news.