I rolled my eyes at the last sentence. Good job bro, we are grateful
I rolled my eyes at the last sentence. Good job bro, we are grateful
Ehm… which sites?
Because it completely derails the topic without adding anything to the discussion
There is another model proposed at the end of the 90s by a french professor.
Just tax my internet (it’s actually alrrady taxed) and monitor torrent / p2p shares (like it’s already being done). Then pay a proportion of the money gathered via taxes to the creators of the media. It’s a system that is already in place for some Television companies in Europe. Today, I would compare it to spotify. You still get the capitalist model where big budget peoductions make tons of money, but you live in a world where you are free to share and remix
Holy fudge i didn’t expect this but it’s great. I suggest everybody to try it. And yes, ed2k is as alive as ever, especially for it, es, fr comtent
here we are talking about piracy, especially the topic of discussing piracy. Just use a forum, even something like lemmy. Here you have everything you need, but without contributing to a piece of shit like Moxie nor putting everything behind a walled garden like discord (or any other chat software for this matter)
how is it not?
it’s a shitty service, by a shitty person. I know Moxie personally, and he is basically Elon Musk if he didn’t make it
Yes, let’s talk piracy behind some stupid walled garden. As if public conversations are not fragmented enough as it is
Totally agree. This reflects my experience encoding with both formats for releases.
At similar bitrate, av1 also performs much much worse on grain and it is slower to encode
I mean… do the math and you can figure out by yourself that it’s a fair price but in no way some sort of very convebient situation for the users. A 20tb hard drive goes for about 450€ and then you can consider the advantages that they have buying hdd at scale.
No, I can assure you russian people use torrents
How is the 3ds archive so big? SWIM’s archive is a few tens of GB and it’s every title listed in various game dbs
In the past I used airsonic. It has the best support for different music files and good support for albums ripped as single track, like most classical releases.
The problem with airsonic and its protocol is the lack of good android clients.
If you need to listen through the phone for most of the time, go with jellyfin + finamp. Otherwise try airsonic + its web ui.
For music acquisition:
Why is it taking so much space in compressed form? I think text compresses very well so you should be able to save tons of space compared to db tables
Why? What makes it different from grabbing each season individually?