Oh man you guys got deadpool? I’ve got Daria, which is fine, not great for my self esteem but full of that good snark.
Oh man you guys got deadpool? I’ve got Daria, which is fine, not great for my self esteem but full of that good snark.
Yeah adult convert, which unless you’re like marrying a catholic, tend to be the weird Mel Gibson brand.
Excommunicate Vance then, you fucking cowards
Oh looks it’s punch me in the face Elmo. So hot right now.
On my tits…whaaaat?
The house needs to balloon massively anyway. The numbers are way under where they have been historically for representatives per capita.
I mean yes and it also seems like people voting for specific economic outcomes without the foggiest idea of any of the consequences is the new normal. I don’t know if it’s the garbage media ecosystem, the garbage education system or the garbage economic system that let’s some people put their fingers on the scale but something’s fucked. Probably all of the above.
You can study for an IQ test and raise your grade so it doesn’t really measure anything important, just test taking ability, which I suspect is where a lot of other positive correlations between IQ and college admissions/outcomes/etc factor in
Yeah but you gotta warn a person before you hand them a square burger or you might get popped
If she promises to make her podcast ‘Talk Tuah’ go away, then I say we call it squaresies
Ah yes Germans judging how Jewish people are for…reasons. Never change Dooshland
No one told me that Jews have a crime pass in Germany. I need to start planning cooler vacations.
Maybe I’m soft but I find the dead and starving children to be slightly more outrageous
Well this first generation, yeah, but I have met some very ignorant rednecks in my day…before the internet when they all got online. Some of them thought it was just something they made up for the movies, probably because they were raised by actual racists.
Oh right I forgot Nazis are just fuckin trolls. She knew what they did and was only disappointed they couldn’t do more. Shame they didn’t let ladies fight on the eastern front.
She lived through the war?? I take it she wasn’t one of the Germans the Americans took to the camps and rubbed their noses in the genocide then. I’m also pretty sure she wasn’t on the Russian occupied side, considering she lived to 96 and not 16
Yeah dude really not looking forward to the next round of Isis or whatever in 10 years when these kids grow up and get pissed off about not having any family members left. And everyone conveniently forgets that they we’re raised by the IOF and are not just bad hombres or whatever
Yeah but you’ll notice the first two methods of hostage death I mentioned would not require Israel to have targeted them, but would be natural outcomes for how they are conducting their military actions.
What hostages? Does anyone really think there are any left alive and not either killed by Israeli bombs, starvation or straight up knifed by hamas out of anger/frustration/convenience?
I would feel better about this if America didn’t have so many nukes…