Yep. I basically wear rags around the house for this reason.
Yep. I basically wear rags around the house for this reason.
I’ve never seen starmer smile so much .
Exciting times .
Because it would expose theme as being ill informed.
Been saying it for a couple of weeks. Also best way to hold Putin to account. I think he goes home if UKraine agrees no NATO.
And he a comedian, working in his second language .
All to play for . Join EU. Agree no NATO Putin fucks off.
America frozen.
Not sure how the US would react. Probably war.
Do grow up.
We can have the oil back once the yankees go home and Ukraine drop NATO.
Russia will drop hostilities like a stone to get that flowing again and we can go back to how things were.
The USA interference in the region over the last 10 year maybe 20, cannot be overstated in terms of creating instability .
Viewing US as landlord is about how USA behaves towards them.
towards everyone, is his point. He doesn’t cite anything singapore specific
How USA behaves towards foreign countries is determined primarily by the president.
nope. it’s long standing US foreign policy. president come and go, USA efforts to steal or secure the earth resources for themselves remain unchanged. Ask :
Chile, backed a coup against President Salvador Allende, who had nationalized Chile’s copper industry, replacing him with General Augusto Pinochet. This ensured that U.S. companies, such as Anaconda Copper and Kennecott, continued benefiting from Chilean resources.
Venezuela, has the world’s largest proven oil reserves. The U.S. has long influenced Venezuelan politics, including supporting a failed coup against Hugo Chávez in 2002 and imposing sanctions on Nicolás Maduro’s government.
Saudi Arabia, instigating the Petrol dollar in exchange for backing the house of saud in their theocratic dictatorship.
Brazil, covertly supported the military coup that overthrew President João Goulart,
Argentina, U.S. supported the military coup against Isabel Perón, leading to a brutal dictatorship (1976–1983). Then Operation Condor , of course.
Iraq, a million dead, to secure oil and contracts.for American and allied companies . Previously oil in Iraq was nationalised.
Ukraine. Troops in 2014, election interference, in exchange for agri contracts for monsato Thats not including today, where they are trying to walk away with the mining contracts., despite insisting it’s Europes problem.
…then there’s DR Congo, Afghanistan and so on.
but I suspect you think America has been benevolently defending these places in the name of freedom, and that Trump is some sort of rogue. From the persepective of the rest of the world, He hasn’t said, or done anything even make the top ten yet.
I’ve gone back over my comment, and I can’t see any where I said anything about Trump.
I checked what Ng Eng Hen said, and he didn’t mention Trump, so do you mind if we stay on topic ?
It’s always been the same. I wonder why he’s signalling this now ?
No hundreds
No, they are not.
Trump is ditching them because they can’t win, and he doesnt want to carry a loser.
Harsh, unjust, but true.
I don’t think anyone has understood this, so let’s see :
Trump is continuing longstanding foreign policy.
It available to anyone who does exactly are they are told .
Musk and Trump don’t change that.
Uk citizens voted to leave the European Union and probably couldn’t find Ukraine on a map.
There is no point, literally no point asking them such questions, unless ….oh yah, the government is manufacturing consent for more money Ukraine, while telling its citizens there is no money for schools.
So my thing is, the “deep state” for want of a better word, ultimately won’t let Trump and his backers wreck 70 years of American hegemony since WWII.
Iraq, the Cold War, the coups, assassinations a d sanctions throughout South America, all the bases in the Philippines and around the South China…. It all took a a lot of work.
I’d be surprised if America lets that go.
If you look at what going on in terms of countries moving away from US - nothing has really happened yet. Countries that don’t buy arms and oil from the US, or don’t give the US preferential access to their resources, have historically been awarded a regime change, or worse .
If we look beyond the hoohar, they actually trying to get Zelensky out now, in favour of someone more obedient. That will just sign away resources for a cease fire .