No, but I wouldn’t rule someone out because of it as long as they were respectful
i type way too much about video games and sometimes music
No, but I wouldn’t rule someone out because of it as long as they were respectful
I assume then the followup question would be why they’d be using a timer while drawing. If it’s at a convention I could then assume they might do small commissions for people and use the timer to ensure they draw them quickly and don’t spend too much time on each drawing.
What do you mean by paywalls? I got off reddit when the whole paying for API by third party apps thing happened and don’t know what’s going on after that point
Maybe, PowerAmp was the first one I tried after I got off the dedicated MP3 player lifestyle, so coming from iPod classics or cheaper Fiio and Sansa players I was seriously lacking for features like that.
All I know is that PowerAmp does almost everything I could want it to and I never wanted for much more or needed to try other options after I tried it the first time
Seconding PowerAmp. Tons of features, something I loved about Spotify that PowerAmp has, you can queue songs and do things like “play next” so that it inserts songs into your queue.
You can also see what song is going to play next, though I still deeply desire a mobile version of the Winamp feature where you can see the entire list of how the songs are shuffled and everything that’s coming up
They just thought they were funny because you said “players” and they purposefully misconstrued it for internet high fives
On Android:
Godville is 24 MB, a zero player game where you create an adventurer who goes out and quests, collects loot and equipment, rests at town to sell things, tames a pet, joins a guild, etc. you can influence what they do, but they do it all automatically and you can just observe!
Impossible Dungeon is 35 MB, idle non turn based dungeon crawler with incremental upgrades, I really like it!
Not sure what you consider low MB, I couldn’t find any more that I’d heavily recommend at 150 MB so I cut it off there
Yes, that would’ve been a very valid reason for that person to not recommend an apple product. But to not recommend it because they can’t borrow one from everyone around them is such a weird way to put it that I didn’t even consider Apple’s absurd reasoning for using the lightning connector
I’d say from an introverted perspective: you don’t have to go to every party just because you were invited. You can just say no to a drug offer if you don’t want it, people are usually just like “no prob dude, more for me”
I dunno man, my gut says everybody secretly hates me, I’m an imposter at my job, the world isn’t worth saving and having kids is a fallacy because they’ll just grow up in the resource wars, among other very negative things, I’ve learned to trust my gut maybe half the time
Also don’t brush your gums too hard, I did that a bit when I didn’t know better, and my gums receded slightly. Turns out those things don’t come back. Make sure you brush that area though!
Plus, if you preserve your hearing you’ll be able to hear all the high dog whistle frequencies that everybody else won’t be able to, and you’ll feel just a tiny bit superior for no good reason.
What a sign of the times. Being subscribed to a fucking printer
Plus how can you hold “borrowing a charger” against a phone company? If you don’t have a charger on hand that’s your fault.
I have had two Harley Benton bass guitars, a 5 string fretless, and a 5 string PJ combo, and they both shit the bed and ceased to work in under a year of light usage, both times it was cheap electronics (the pickups).
That being said I have many friends with Harley Benton instruments and amps and they all work fine still, I just got unlucky. Of course, cheap parts are cheap parts and will be more liable to fail than better ones. It is still a lot better than it used to be.
Bonus points: funny and they use their own material and don’t rely on regurgitated internet memes or jokes
Novelty is a natural part of human experience. The only way we can exist is if things are not as incredibly mind bending as the first time you see them.
We perceive reality from the moment we open our eyes upon being born. By the time you comprehend what reality is, it’s old hat. This happens to everything, from the first time you see a good movie, to the first time you drive a car on the freeway, eventually everything that we do repeatedly loses its novelty so that the human mind isn’t constantly blown by all the crazy shit going on.
If you work around forklifts, never trust the driver. Ideally they’re being safe and watching out for you, but don’t gamble on it. They’re heavier than a car and can very easily kill you or at the least break your foot and it will be an arduous healing process.
I like psychologically interesting movies, though my favorites aren’t necessarily all like that. Some big ones for me:
Spirited Away - Miyazaki film about a girl who stops off at an abandoned amusement park while driving to a new house with her parents, who eat food meant for spirits and become pigs. She is unable to escape and ends up in the spirit world, enslaved by a witch who controls a spirit bathhouse as the protagonist attempts to rescue her parents and escape
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - a man and woman break up in a very lightly sci fi world where it’s possible to erase people’s memories, and they choose to erase each other and inevitably the man regrets it as it’s happening in his mind
Perfect Blue - animated Japanese film about an Idol who tries to escape Idol life by becoming an actress, which is an incredibly difficult and stressful process as she deals with a stalker and the film/TV industry at the same time. As the movie continues she becomes so stressed and tired that the lines between reality and the films she’s in begin to blur together and she starts to lose grip on reality.
21 and 22 Jump Street - FUCK they’re just well written and well executed comedy.
The peanut butter, with it’s thicker texture and protein is obviously the meat, and the jelly, with it’s more liquidy texture and lack of nutrition is the condiment