I thought millennials started at '82?
I thought millennials started at '82?
Oh, no disrespect intended! Where I come from though we use cheese instead of curds, it’s practically a national dish.
Cheese and gravy (not the Canadian thing)
I have a whole collection of to-do lists! One for every conceivable situation. The only lists that ever get checked off are grocery lists, and even then I get home and realise I’ve forgotten something.
Damn, I used to like their crunch corners.
Not the whole country but Mallorca and the Canary Islands had similar protests. I do wonder how the south coast feels about all the Brits going there.
Same with Australia. Seems a bit disingenuous to say it’s banned, it’s a government worker policy.
Thanks! I keep seeing YT alternatives but nothing for Android TV, seems like an obvious platform.
Yeah I’m an older millennial and there are things I don’t have in common with younger ones.
Kamala just slips in as a boomer technically, by like a year or something.