And that sixth grader’s name? Albert Einstein
Hail the Omnissiah! Praise be to the machine-god.
And that sixth grader’s name? Albert Einstein
Yeah yeah I suck, get in line and take a number. At least I am not putting on a show of how noble and wonderful I am, unlike some people.
🤷♂️ it wasn’t like he was good at paying child support anyhow. They won’t notice for months that he is gone.
The person you should really feel bad for is the tow truck driver who will have to haul his F250 away
Come to my next game night and you can have enough until you carb pass out
They were at a Trump rally. Do you really feel that bad? Right now there are probably a few people who are kinda happy they don’t have to deal with this person anymore.
You mean working from home, seeing wildlife in my city, having an excuse to not spend time with people who annoy me, day drinking.
Oh no please anything but that
Thoughts and prayers
Thoughts and prayers
Look no one is paying you to pretend to care. So you can drop the act of being desperately worried, monocle dropping, about those poor dears in America.
If every single one of those Washington DC fucks died tomorrow it would bother me less than the funny smell my car’s air conditioner is now making. They don’t give a shit about me so why should I give a shit about them?
Meh I won’t lose any sleep over it
Biden wouldn’t send in a hit squad. He would setup a fact-finding committee that wouldn’t report anything for six months.
So I ordered a party player of spicy chicken wings for game night. Figure 7 D&D players no way that is going to be enough. Everyone ended up eating dinner before they came, resulting in lots of leftovers.
Don’t worry, I have a friend with three teenagers. Hate seeing food go to waste and knowing those kids they polished it off in 20 minutes.
Maybe I will make mini pizza bagels next time. Thoughts?
Article says the police estimate they had a total between 200-450 more in that city alone. And all of this comes from their Supreme Court issuing a ruling that local governments can’t regulate the industry.
Pity they just refuse to follow the will of the people. If it is this common enforcement is impossible
I must admit my previous 37 hours were far less interesting.
Well assuming one with explosives can take out a single person, they get a 10% accuracy (number pulled out of my ass), and a VSL (value of statistical life) of 1.5 million you get 150,000 USD.
Really throws off the cost function when the false negative penalty is a million times bigger.
We’re about to learn how much they fucking hate us.
Get in line and take a number
Now now you can come up with a better personal attack than that, especially since you got lying working so well.
You knew that there were nude beaches in the US, you lied about it, then you lied about what you said. All your pathetic attempts at insults won’t make you a non-liar.
But go on and continue
Second lie.
I am sorry I wasn’t clear.