I thought #3 was the waiter, or the valet parking.
I thought #3 was the waiter, or the valet parking.
The mascot is tired of running nonstop in that hamster wheel.
I’ll given it another try man, thanks!
Is Nix on Droid the same Nix? Because I remember giving it a try and seemed to be broken, but never bothered to look more into it… Also this was like 2 years ago.
Enjoy all the delicious treats compa.
As a Mexican immigrant living in the United States for almost 8 years now, if that happens I go to my Mexico Mágico, fuck this cultural cleanse culture.
Approx. 200 years ago Mexico was in a similar position to what the United States used to portray until not too long ago, a pluricultural melting pot of different cultures from all over the world… It had just declared its independence from Spain in 1821, the 5 de Mayo war a few years later, brought French men who decided to stay after losing, Persian or Arabian immigrants brought what came to be the Taco Al Pastor, German immigrants residing in the port of Mazatlán brought the brass instruments, that now make up the regional music known as Banda, and the indigenous culture of the country combined with the influx of migrants developed one of the most intriguing and acclaimed cuisines in the world. Is the United States just gonna be like the UK 200 years from now?
If its a cold boot you need to spam the key.
In the white house being friends with the hosts.
They should call the new deal the MexiCana or something. Good for all 3 languages.
They should annex Mexico too and call it the North American - European Union. The NAEU.
Could you imagine the trading asset Mexico would mean for the European Union? Plus, cracking down on drug trafficking across the Atlantic would be easier.
The couch pillow jumped into an empty box again.
Is time for the new and revamped BRICCSM to be a thing (annexing Canada and Mexico)
I’d run XFCE themed with Chicago95 in this everyday.
You’d be surprised to know that a 500GB hard drive can be theoretically copied in 1 year with a 16kb/s transfer.
I’ve also seen the side of “able to work with minimal supervision” being more like “you’re gonna tell your boss what to do” workdays.