Hope you enjoy the fallout that a large unvaccinated population causes even in those who are vaccinated
Hope you enjoy the fallout that a large unvaccinated population causes even in those who are vaccinated
I’m no lemonologist but it looks like it could maybe be a very severe case of Citrus Bud Mites: https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/384904-Aceria-sheldoni
That was actually very clever
Why did you use this meme template and then make literally no reference to its conversation
This is what Quora feels like to me, every gd time
Wow, what an incredibly bad take. Kudos, I’m genuinely impressed
What’s the vibe in there? Cause I don’t like the idea of punishing regular civilians for the government’s actions, so I’m not a fan of this decision. But I’m not gonna come in here and say something like “omg why though, Israel’s the victim!!!1”
Ok can I just say this type of opener by the girl on an app SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR WOMEN TO DO THE OPENING is complete horseshit, and yet it happens all the gd time.
So, naturally, this was the perfect response.
It’s not my fault Tolkien has a quote for every possible mood