I read he is blocking the National Assembly building to avoid the martial law being lifted; both parties, including his, will vote to lift it should they get inside
I read he is blocking the National Assembly building to avoid the martial law being lifted; both parties, including his, will vote to lift it should they get inside
I’m very sure the majority of USA news corps are going to say something about terrorists striking the poor, peace loving Israelis. They don’t have to lie.
Leave out context and details and secondary sources , blogs and social media will use that for their own reasons
I’m a little out of the loop, but I think the main barriers to peace here are the meddling of the foreign powers, all of them have their own agenda which is often in conflict themselves even if some are allies elsewhere.
I think it would have been negotiated out of pure exhaustion years ago otherwise
With that many people and organizations and groups and hopes and dreams and atrocities, monsters and good deeds: it’s just not swept under the rug later.
Any peace must be political
It’s my understanding that this is much more complex than most media report. And, as an outsider who spent some time reading about this the last ten years, I came to the conclusion that all 50 ( lost count) sides and groups have good and bad mixed into them.
I’ve been trying to learn for years, apparently I failed to have what it takes to learn
It’s not that fine a line though, one can get on the wrong side in so many different ways. Today pro genocide stuff is mixed up in many messages that can otherwise be wholesome.
For example: the daily pictures on masterdon about Holocaust victims. Good , yes. Where are the daily Palestinian images ? Once one starts asking questions, one can easily start to accidentally stray off the path of the righteous and get into morally ambiguous muck.
That’s one problem with widely supported crimes, it’s not just the evil people who passively support bad things. When there is an undercurrent of pro genocide, many babies get thrown out with many bathwaters. And that is bad.
It makes it worse when there are more zionist Christians than Zionist Jews in the USA, and to see that minority of Jews in the USA unite in crime with people who do not like them is heart attack inducing .
The whole thing is a mess and maybe the only way to fight it is redefining boundaries
Might makes right, at least in many cases. Lots of stolen artifacts, and bones, stored away from the public, or the descendants
Brushing teeth regularly, and flossing , is more important than I ever realized.
You’re right, it has shifted. I looked at the polls week overall it’s split into thirds. 1/3 for, about the same against and the balance not sure or don’t know
However I think a majority of older adults still support the crimes, as well as more conservative voters. But that is ordinary people. Government and defense firms are pretty dirty right now.
It’s not Iran I worry about
The genocide has such wide support in the USA community and defense companies ( irregardless of the louder minority of people protesting it)
That if there were justice, then many other people and organizations would have similar treatment and be kicked
We can’t get away from politics, or limits, but if I will point out the hypocrisy
Can you point to the link which is evil?
The western reaction is calm, considering, slightly curious and not urgent. The quotes show a lack of importance. It might as well be business as usual instead of a harbinger of wider war.
Disasters like this often have the same kind initial reactions in history
I agree that zoning can really improve things.
Which can be helped by changes in local government. But today there is little involvement in city and town government.
Probably this lack of participation is because most people of the USA moved and changed careers multiple times in the last two generations. A greater percentage did this than in the first Industrial Revolution.
And it happened while changes in family structures and long distance communication changed. A perfect recipe for lack of civic involvement .
When I was growing up in the 1970s there were thousands of lightning bugs at night. Any time going outdoors after sunset I could see hundreds of lights winking on and off every few seconds, in fascinating patterns that I loved to look at. Later at night the bugs would fly higher or stop flashing
It was such an ordinary part of life, but movies and tv at the time don’t capture that very well .
Now its gone, for most areas
Also https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/12/3/live-south-koreas-president-yoon-declares-emergency-martial-law