Wo zum fick sind die übrigen 0,2% hin?
Wo zum fick sind die übrigen 0,2% hin?
Ich war fürs ZDF mit auf der Wahlparty der Grünen. Als die ersten Hochrechnungen bekannt gegeben haben würde bei den Zahlen der Linken fast so laut gejubelt wie bei den eigenen Zahlen. Das durchschnittliche Grünen Parteimitglied scheint also durchaus solidarisch gegenüber den Linken und ist nicht wütend über „gestohlene Stimmen“.
I don’t like him. He’s angry at everything and his videos are a chore to watch. I also feel like he’s sometimes a bit out of touch (I don’t like ads or paying for digital content either, but if no one pays for it, it‘ll stop existing) and a bit pessimistic (yes, companies aren’t your friends, but not everything you perceive as negative is done out of malice, sometimes people are just not thinking stuff through).
However, I do appreciate him as a right to repair activist.
Yep. The reason Windows and macOS are way more accepted than Linux is because they’re essentially idiot proof. Linux is not and that’s not necessarily a good thing if you want the year of the Linux desktop to actually happen one day.
Ok, so arch doesn’t break because it’s unstable, it just breaks anyways. And it doesn’t break more in general, it just breaks worse more often. Got it.
I’ll still stay away from the bleeding edge.
It’s sad that those people make discourse over actual criticism so hard.
Rey is a wonderful example here. Your acquaintance dislikes Rey because she’s a woman. I (and a bunch of other people) dislike Rey because she’s terribly written. If you exchanged her for a man he would still be terribly written. But of course, that legitimate criticism is often lumped in with people crying „woke“ at the sight of a female protagonist.
That’s still exactly what I meant? Sure, arch may never break even though it’s unstable but it being unstable heightens the risk of it (or some program) breaking due to changing library versions breaking dependencies.
Dependency issues happen much more rarely on stable systems. That’s why it’s called stable. And I very much prefer a system that isn’t likely to create dependency issues and thus break something when I update anything.
I‘d rather have a system that is stable and a few months out of date than a system that is so up to date that it breaks. Because then I cannot, in a good conscience, use that system on a device that I need to just work every time I start it.
Second this. Am not a huge fan of ubuntu itself and I have had issues with other debian based distros (OMV for example) but mint has always been rock solid and stable on any of my machines. The ultimate beginners distro imo.
Larger downstream distros like manjaro (and steamOS for that matter) can be stable. I wouldn’t call manjaro a beginners distro though, like mint would be (No Linus, there’s no apt in manjaro) but it’s very daily-driveable.
Although, if you’re most people, just stay away from rolling release distros. There’s so little benefit unless you’re running bleeding edge hardware…
If it‘s your first time trying linux, go with mint. It’s stable and almost every tutorial will work for you. If you know your way around a terminal already, the choice is all yours. I personally like Fedora.
That’s why I recommend mint. You have all the benefits of ubuntu but without the corporate stuff. And flatpak instead of snap.
Wasn’t that one of the main critiques of snap/ubuntu/canonical a few years ago already?
Among my personal dislike for its shade of purple, that has been my primary reason to not recommend ubuntu for a while, at least.
No, HDR can’t make your monitor brighter than it is. But it can take full advantage of the brightness and contrast of modern displays in a way SDR cannot. In almost every case HDR looks better than SDR but brighter and/or more contrasty displays take the most advantage.
In a more technical sense, SDR content is mastered with a peak brightness of 100 nits in mind. HDR is mastered for a peak brightness of 1000 nits, sometimes 2000 nits and the resulting improved contrast.
If you don’t watch movies in HDR on a modern TV, you’re not taking full advantage of its capabilities.
That’s incorrect. While it can be assumed that HDR content supports at least 10bit colour, it is not necessary for monitor or content. The main difference is contrast and brightness. SDR is mastered for a brightness of 100 nits and a fairly low contrast. HDR is mastered for brighnesses of usually 1000 or even 2000 nits since modern displays are brighter and capable of higher contrast and thus can produce a more lifelike picture through the additional information within HDR.
Of course you need a sufficiently bright and/or contrasty monitor for it to make a difference. An OLED screen or displays with a lot of dimming zones would produce the best results there. But even a 350nit cheap TV can look a bit better in HDR.
That doesn’t change though, that those tankies usually identify themselves as some flavour of leftist while praising/apologizing stalin, mao, kim jong, putin, xi jinping, etc. in the same sentence. While you might say they’re no true leftists, they would very much disagree.
But not solely. I don’t know anyone who hasn’t seen at least a few films that are older than them. And if you haven’t, you really should, there are some amazing timeless classics from the 70s, 80s, 90s, etc. out there. Even some that are close to 100 years old.
Do you think people only watch films that are younger than themselves?
My username isn’t a portmanteau of accident and death for no reason.
In all seriousness though, the cleaner just smelt like the ice tea tasted. The day I first used the cleaner I actually had Lipton Lemon on my way to work and was caught a bit off guard by the smell.
Edit: FuzeTea definitely tastes like the soap bubbles though. The specific brand even, not just any. Source: I was a child once.
Laaangweilig. Ich will verrückte Verschwörungstheorien nicht die korrekte Antwort.