I actually got them from my windows partition. It was very easy. I copied them from C:\Windows\Fonts to the .fonts folder in my home directory.
I actually got them from my windows partition. It was very easy. I copied them from C:\Windows\Fonts to the .fonts folder in my home directory.
with microsoft fonts installed I actually found that libreoffice displayed the docx file I wanted to edit better than onlyoffice.
When I first wanted to try Linux out I made a small 50gb partition for it. the logic was that this was the size of just one game and it was an entire operating system, so I wasn’t losing much. As I continued to use Linux I kept expanding that partition to correspond with the priority I gave the OS.
Well that’s stupid 😂
Snapdragon is a type of flower. It’s a lovely name in my opinion.
I want to point out that the changes you are talking about, minimize/maximize buttons and docks, are actually big changes to the workflow of a desktop environment. How hard would it be to remove those buttons and the standard dock on windows? Harder than it is with gnome I think. Gnome isn’t windows and it’s used differently from windows. It shouldn’t be expected to accommodate windows’s workflow.