The Pokémon main line games. I really hope to see they’ll improve and maybe even reach a somewhat okay level of quality. But let’s be honest, they’ll probably fuck up big time with the next generation as well
The Pokémon main line games. I really hope to see they’ll improve and maybe even reach a somewhat okay level of quality. But let’s be honest, they’ll probably fuck up big time with the next generation as well
Bullying in high school. There certainly are people who got bullied more but it’s been enough to make me feel very uncomfortable in some everyday situations even many years later.
Same here!
I’ve been looking into buying a Framework laptop for a while now. Does anybody know if they’re compatible with libreboot?
You’re asking people for their opinions only to correct them when they don’t agree with your own opinion. This is not how discussion works ;-)
I’d return a non-zero value so they know it’s their fault ^^
In my personal opinion: Yes. Wine is great and all, but in the end it’s an emulation layer that - in the worst case - requires a lot of tweaking. I personally wouldn’t want to spend that time so a VM sounds like a good option. But again, depending on the context (e.g. limited hardware resources or the amount of time available) you might be totally fine with Wine.
I’m able to speak German (native speaker) and English (fluent).
Also, as a German speaker, I’d like to correct the question in the post:
Formal would be “Welche Sprachen sprechen Sie?”.
More fitting for a casual environment (such as Lemmy) would be “Welche Sprachen sprecht Ihr?” though :)
This is, because in German there are formal and informal ways of addressing people, both with their distinctive pronouns. Usually, when talking to people you don’t know personally, you’ll address them formally and then, when offered to, switch to the informal style once you know them. Online or among the younger generation it is much more common to just use the informal case though.
Google Any search engine is your friend
Thanks for the tip!
Im using Firefox/a fork of it - please note that many of the below mentioned extensions either only exist for Firefox or don’t work well with Chromium browsers due to manifest V3.
I think you misunderstood my comment. A prepaid Mastercard can be bought at many gas stations or supermarkets and allows you to pay online at places that only accept credit cards without actually having one.
Hetzner covers all of the above except the Monero payment option. Would a prepaid Mastercard do the job for you? I think you can buy them in cash without identification.
Fühle mich nach jedem Auslandsaufenthalt so, als wäre ich 20 Jahre in die Zukunft gereist lol
Here in Europe there are a lot of country-specific instances (e.g. feddit.de or feddit.nl). I can confirm the German one has quite a lot of members and some large German subreddits moved to Lemmy when the blackout happened. Germans are quite privacy focused in general with a generally higher Firefox market share and a lot of shops only accepting cash (not proud of the latter haha)
First of all:
You can always copy storage if you’re able to physically access it. The only way to prevent this is to secure the chip in a way it destroys itself if physically tampered with (like some TPM chips).
You should instead opt for a passphrase that is practically impossible to bruteforce on current hardware due to its complexity. Also, try not to disclose the encryption algorithm or software used as this information opens the possibility of exploiting known vulnerabilities.
VeraCrypt for example is able to completely hide its presence on a volume and the only way to know if a device is encrypted with it is trying to decrypt it using VeraCrypt with the correct passphrase.
Trying to answer your questions:
Most modern smartphones encrypt their data by default nowadays. The rest depends on the phone itself. Mostly they just delete the encryption keys from the TPM when formatted so this still enables an authority to copy your storage and bruteforce.
No. Encryption does never prevent you from copying the encrypted information. Those are two completely different things.
No. You cannot encrypt the SD card with say Bitlocker and use it on a phone afaik.
Yes, some Androids allow you to encrypt the SD card from within the storage settings.
Maybe it’s the wrong person if they can’t be with someone who doesn’t use Instagram ;)
Don’t make the same mistake as our generation and fall for TikTok, Instagram and that shit.
Almost everything is better without it, from concerts to weekend trips to relationships.
Temtem is available for free with the PlayStation Plus subscription atm - I think I’ll try it out over the next days :)