i like when people use big words cause then i can learn a new word. it’s nice knowing words to say stuff with
i like when people use big words cause then i can learn a new word. it’s nice knowing words to say stuff with
(honestly i think tim cook wrecked the company, he’s a pure bloodless businessman, thinking only about numbers and value extraction versus innovation and changing the world, which jobs, for all his faults, objectively did)
again, this is all long term executive function that you are generally incapable of performing or even contemplating when depressed. maybe you can protestant-work-ethic yourself out of depression but that doesn’t mean everyone can. oh yeah lemme just keep being fucking harsh with myself, that’s the ticket.
what i want to hear is
simple, actionable things that don’t have barely-hidden contempt or disinterest behind them
i like how the answers are the exact same generic unhelpful drivel you hear 20k times a month if you’re depressed as well. real improvement there. when people google that they want immediate relief, not fucking oh go for a walk every day, no shit. the triviality of the suggestion makes the depression worse because you know it’s going to do nothing the first week besides make you feel sweaty and looked at and alone. like if i’m feeling recovered enough to go walk every day then i’m already feeling good enough that i don’t need to be googling about depression tips. this shit drives me insane.
and it’s not even a functional dictatorship; meaningful bills get held up in the wheels of power for ages and ages, but they have the will to pass this grossly authoritarian bullshit within a week. sick.
if i’m not burning alive by 50 i’m gonna be really disappointed by all these headlines
can’t believe people’s insanely smug reaction to this. the government is banning an app that 100+ million americans use and presumably enjoy. that is insane, full stop.
that’s all aaron bushnell right there. most noble american act of the 20th century
i’m so glad i don’t have to worry about retirement
look italy. just stick to what you know
and so on
instagram definitely does this, reddit seems fine for me so far
why is the DMCA the one fucking law that actually gets enforced at a high rate when there are literally billions of things more important that we could spend money on
genuinely remarkable how he gets more and more lame by the day. imagine having literal trillions of dollars, access to opportunities and experiences and pleasures we couldn’t even begin to fathom, and instead sitting down and writing this fucking garbage that would make a middle schooler cringe
a lot of old maritime tradition / custom seems very quaint and very fascinating, there’s sort of an uncanny valley of weirdness, almost. i guess because if you’re out at sea that long, your mind knows it shouldn’t quite be possible, seeing another person feels like a relief
similarly i was reading this old book called Sailing Alone Around the World and the dude waves and says good evening to the moon at night
The fog lifting before night, I was afforded a look at the sun just as it was touching the sea. I watched it go down and out of sight. Then I turned my face eastward, and there, apparently at the very end of the bowsprit, was the smiling full moon rising out of the sea. Neptune himself coming over the bows could not have startled me more. “Good evening, sir,” I cried; “I’m glad to see you.” Many a long talk since then I have had with the man in the moon; he had my confidence on the voyage.
one of the Good subs was called 100YearsAgo, people post HQ scans of old newspapers and photos from today in 1923. it’s very fascinating seeing how language changed / didn’t change, the attitudes around politics, women, prohibition, the minimum wage, etc
curated tumblr is the best sub on reddit and lemmy
my city is literally prohibited from using public funds for any type of train because of some GOP devil magic thing – so all we have is busses, which suck because you’re still beholden to traffic jams and lights and speed limits and roads. pointless and not even a sense of whimsy or transcendence