I barely use eggs, maybe one or two every once in a while to make something but in the morning I’m in a hurry so it’s breakfast shakes for me!
I barely use eggs, maybe one or two every once in a while to make something but in the morning I’m in a hurry so it’s breakfast shakes for me!
I don’t typically take sides unless one is very clearly in the wrong or one makes the very regrettable choice of fucking with me after being warned.
and so forth
I may or may not say anything depending on the situation and who the person is.
Guess my next car will be a Subaru or Toyota then.
RIP in peace Honda.
That’s about the same population as California actually.
I enthusiastically refer you to my previous statement, especially the last two lines.
I will also add, that if you are an American who didn’t vote, you can take your complaints and blow them out your ass.
Doing nothing and letting the greater evils get picked because you couldn’t be bothered to fill out a fucking ballot?
Yes, that is extremely dumb.
Spectacularly stupid even.
Why is the world getting collectively dumber?
“yall” is obviously not the problematic part of that sentence
That’s how people use it, whether you like it or not. I did not invent the language, but that’s how people use it.
Saying “guys” on its own is also not the same thing as “you guys” in regions that do this.
You can shoot the messenger all you like but it is what it is and I have no power over how people in a region use a language, I am merely informing you of that fact.
Yeah I don’t see that one going over well anywhere
People where I am from call everyone “you guys” - men, women, trans, doesn’t matter, everyone is just “you guys” even when it’s a woman addressing a group of women.
The literal meaning isn’t gender neutral, but in actual practice, it 100% is.
As for “y’all” or “you all”, I don’t see how it could possibly be interpreted as offensive to any gender.
Pen and paper lol
What a stupid move, why not just use a googleplex?
Fair enough
Is it less severe?
There’s not really any meaningful outcome to violating it for him, is there?