I am deeply convinced that greedy corporations should hold control over knowledge and culture.
I’m guessing (and hoping!) this is just a very unfortunate typo, lol!
I am deeply convinced that greedy corporations should hold control over knowledge and culture.
I’m guessing (and hoping!) this is just a very unfortunate typo, lol!
What a fun way to find out my bladder capacity is around three times the average at least. Connective tissue disorders are whack. Now I’ve just gotta work on the other factors so I can piss-levitate longer than everyone else! I’ll be unstoppable!!
This was exactly what I thought of when I saw the post! I’m glad you saw this and shared your work here. It’s awesome and it makes me so happy.
I’m a little offended that you don’t care about my dancing 🕺but I can promise you, I’m not making any profit off of it!
I can’t speak for goop, froop, or loop, though.
Aww, poor little Mog! I hope someone let her right back in! That’s totally accurate, though, lol
Whatever this is from sounds cute. :) Thank you for sharing it with us here!
Thank you. 💖
All we are is dust in the wind.
I’m right there with you. I was thinking almost the exact same thing - just about a decade less on my end.
I miss being a part of forum communities like they used to be. Those forums disappeared (like most of them did, unfortunately) and I haven’t found any others that fit yet, which is a huge bummer. This is the closest and best I’ve got. It’s not quite the same, but I still enjoy it, and I’m grateful!
This is an awesome comment and I learned a lot. Thank you for all the thought and effort you put into this!
Oh my goodness, you’re totally right! I knew that from watching shows from over there but I hadn’t made the connection at the time. Maybe I remembered it subconsciously somehow and that’s why I thought it was so funny. Who knows, lol. I’m glad somebody else found it funny, too.
Cackaroni and mingees got me giggling, too. Nice work!
Great, now I keep giggling uncontrollably at the thought of “cacaroni and mheese!”
I know that’s three words, and also probably isn’t objectively that funny…but, in my defense, my chronic pain bullshit is acting up to crazy levels and I haven’t been able to sleep in at least a couple days. Also, I’m a childish nincompoop.
ANYWAY, thank you for the entertainment, Srack_Thovel!
Oooh, good call! It totally does. I bet a Toxic Megacolon show would have a wild and kickass mosh pit.
I’ve always thought “hemoglobin,” “ankylosing spondylitis,” “rectocele,” and “postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome” were fun to say. There’s definitely more medical words I like, but I’ve got mad brain fog, so I’m not able to come up with much at the moment. Which is a major bummer!
Yes! This is a big one that bugs me how often people don’t even attempt this. Darn noobs need to lurk moar! It’s basic netiquette.
The consequences will NEVER be the same!
Haha that reminds me of a shirt I had around '08/'09 that just said “Awesomesauce.” I kind of miss the silly stuff like that and the shirts you mentioned. It really does seem like it was a simpler time :) Nowadays life is pwning me left and right!
Hot damn! Where’s my wallet!?
I felt the same way when I tried playing it. I’m so glad I saw your comment - I feel less alone, lol.
Most definitely! It totally threw me off, hahaha!