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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2024


  • What’s the point in mining the Moon if we’re just gonna leave what’s been mined there? Of course it would be removed.

    Where did you get that 10% is what would be required to affect the tides? Why don’t we just say it’s 90% to back your point up even more?

    The point is, if allowed, we’ll fuck it up like we fuck up every environment. Why must we insist on destroying everything just so some rich people can get richer? Climate change is upon us and instead of acting to prevent it we’re looking to do similar destruction elsewhere.

    When you look up at the vastness and marvel of space and planetary bodies, are you desperate to see dump trucks, bucket excavators, and orange flashing lights looking back at you?

  • Until we’ve mined so much that the ratio of mass between the Earth and the Moon causes tidal changes and eventually the Earth pulls the Moon into the Earth and all life is destroyed. How quickly do you think we can speedrun that?

    The industrial revolution was about 150-200 years ago and our planet is dying because of it. Can we beat that record?

    Edit: also, who gets dibs on the moon? Something tells me the vast majority of the population won’t get a say and mysteriously, somehow, it’ll be American mega-corps doing the mining

  • The easiest way to survive Kristal Nacht 2: Electric Boogaloo is to get outta there before it happens. Stockpiling some food and “hunkering down” isn’t gonna keep you safe. Get outta there.

    What does America offer that you can’t get in Europe, Canada, Australia, etc?

    Brain drain the fascist state to a standstill.

    The earlier you do it, the higher your chances of being accepted into other countries. They may block American refugees if there becomes an exodus. It also means you have time to sell unnecessary items instead of possibly having to abandon them.

    Good luck, whatever path you choose.

  • It’s not about offending. It’s about stereotyping and prejudging people.

    It’s very easy to go from Russia/ Israel does bad things so the Russians/ Israelis aren’t welcome, to xenophobic hatred of all Russians/ Israelis.

    It’s a fine line to balance because obviously, being Russian/ Israeli associates you with the actions of your country, and a certain percentage of the population in those countries will agree with their government’s policies. But not all of them do, and to make general sweeping statements like none are welcome leads you close to the xenophobia that those opposed to Russia/ Israel tend to condemn.

    In WW2 America rounded up and imprisoned loads of Japanese-Americans, regardless of whether they supported Japan or had any evidence of them aiding Japan. This has generally been viewed as a bad thing done to innocent people. Rhetoric like this could lead to a similar situation.

    People are people. Some good, some bad. Some perform shitty actions on purpose, some perform shitty actions through ignorance, and some oppose shitty actions. But where someone is born doesn’t determine if they’re shitty or not, so sweeping statements like “Israelis are not welcome” gets far too close to xenophobia for some people’s liking.

    Obviously, what Russia and Israel are doing is awful and must be condemned, but a bit of casual xenophobia isn’t going to do anything to stop them. Official blocks of official teams would do far more to hinder them and their image of acceptance in the international community than blocking their citizens from spectating.

  • It worked for me perfectly from release until a couple of days ago. Ads started appearing in the app around the same time it stopped working, so perhaps they’re affecting how it works? I dunno.

    If I click the tick to denote a post is read, it’ll disappear. And posts still dim during scroll as if the app knows they’re read but just isn’t hiding them anymore.