What’s the point in mining the Moon if we’re just gonna leave what’s been mined there? Of course it would be removed.
Where did you get that 10% is what would be required to affect the tides? Why don’t we just say it’s 90% to back your point up even more?
The point is, if allowed, we’ll fuck it up like we fuck up every environment. Why must we insist on destroying everything just so some rich people can get richer? Climate change is upon us and instead of acting to prevent it we’re looking to do similar destruction elsewhere.
When you look up at the vastness and marvel of space and planetary bodies, are you desperate to see dump trucks, bucket excavators, and orange flashing lights looking back at you?
European democracy has many, many flaws, but compared with Russian dictatorship, it’s a utopia. This is a ridiculous take.
Which country is it that invaded its neighbour again? Romania or Russia? Which country is regularly assassinating journalists? Germany or Russia?