[email protected] for it’s weekly challenge (voting on the week end)
[email protected] for it’s weekly challenge (voting on the week end)
The whole “tech industry” naming is bulllshit, there is more technology let’s say in composite used to build an aircraft wing or in a surgerical robots, than in yet another mobile app showing you ads
The whole tech sector also tend to be over evaluated on the stock market. In no world Apple is worth 3 trillion while coca cola or airbus are worth around 200 billions
Shoes and clothe are the kind of stuff where you loose a lot by buying online.
In person you can see the fabric texture and colour. Not a photo where light, camera and then your screen altered everything.
Check how well it fits. For shoes you can easily get one size less/more depending on brand/cut and even for clothe you are not a standard person so passing them in the shop tells you a lot.
You can even ask a sales person opinion to get a feedback of course they want to sell but can help you more than a chatbot
No, Please tell me it’s not in Elon playbook ?
US money is incredibly strong, so US$ is way more interesting.
15 years after it’s creation the bitcoin failed to meet the expectation of being a usable money or even “way to pay”
in my building, owner use informal tu and first name but when talking with renter they use vous and last name.
To be fair owner see each others at owner’s association meeting and have seen each other in the building for years while many renter move within 2-3 years
And for the fun fact, my owner association ordered a security audit, and the consultant recommended organizing a building/neighbour party/barbecue over installing security camera. As people knowing each other care for each other
Big talk if you’ve never crossed a six lane stroad on foot. The American transit system is often downright hostile to anyone not in a car. It can be goddamn terrifying.
Unfortunately you’re right, I remember needing to take the car between the hotel and the Starbucks 500m away because there was a flicking big road on the way(which is insane for a European) .
I don’t get how American Karen don’t get mad at their mayor for the lack of way to cross the street
Restaurant, bars and cafe can be a huge spending. You can also do a romantic dinner at home.
Check all your subscribed services you may find a cheaper competitor.
Before buying anything ask yourself about whether you really need it, and whether there is a used alternative available
If you do have money, set an auto transfert of 100-200€ to a saving account at the start of the month, you’ll main account would feel empty faster.
I ve seen a popular one saying burn fat not oil but while on one hand it looks cool/edgy, on the other hand you pass for one of the douchy bumper stickers guy.
Just get an extra high visibility sticker and one backup light on your helmet
what we know that’s on the table
Who is we, and what’s on the table currently ?
But let’s make a few prediction for end of 2028
First wave of climatic refugee to hit the west. We start to see place with more intense flooding or deadly heat-wave, but not yet at the point people massively seek asylum far-away, but this is getting close
The mess in middle-east won’t get better
The conservative wave isn’t stuck to Murica, I see a couple of European countries more having either far-right at the goverment or with blocking-minority
Some progress in cancer research, it’s easy it’s moving every-day
IA industry crash, nowadays, there is tons of cool stuff, but beside AI generated catgirls, and instagram bots, there is no big application, and I don’t expect the tech to be mature enough in the coming 5 years, leading to some bankrupcy. It’ll be enough to turn mainstream social media in Bot-infested hell
Still on the technology side, I don’t expect all these cool start-up about fusion to go somewhere, some would announce major delay (ITER won’t start by then, but we know-it) or pivot
China keep rising in power
Actually, they are, look at how they voted.
You can say that it’ll just make the thing worse, but someone promised them to kick off the “immigrant stealing their job” and cutting the "green policies banning them from driving their gigantic SUV "and they believe it will solve all their problem. Is that a lie ? sure, but at a point people believe plenty of lies
May-be a couple of time as a joke when turning to 2012 with the Maya end of the world coming, and when the coffee machine breaks at work it’s always an end-times level of traged"
Actually, the younger you fuck up, the worse are the consequences. A 13 year old go in a school fight, he is kicked out of school, has to go in another school further away, sleep less, see his grade fall down, and next year he’ll be pushed to start an apprenticeship rather than high school.
A 31 one year old (otherwise a good citizen) does the same. He’ll spend a night in police custody and at worst pays a fine (with a high probability that change are dropped because judges and prosecutor are busy)
Might be worth crossposting to [email protected]
Fart ring is a great but fun one
At the speed at which government push back the retirement age, I expect something like 70 with 47 worked years by the time I’ll be old enough.
I have an interesting job, mostly in an office, some savings, so I may be able to do otherwise. But yhea, I don’t count that much on retirement
Mobilizon is a federated group/event platform
On my area meet up and Heylo are popular group/events platform, but both are proprietary
While there is tons of nice place/stuff to do in Paris, many people see it as a perfect, romantic, ideal whatever city, and a visit there the trip of a lifetime.
Paris is a 10 million inhabitants urban area with all the associated problems,
Imagine thinking you’re in the perfect city and being stuck in a crowded train, then in traffic, and falling in any possible tourist traps, from the barely legal but legal low quality, high price restaurant to the pickpocketsand other petty crime
The trick is within the company for 20 years. If you’re the guardian of some ancient forgotten but critical knowledge, you become impossible to fire
What’s she intended audience and the speaker profile?
An AI summit for math/Computer science/Physics students would look very different from an AI summit for business/economy/law students.
-Should everyone get a basic knowledge of how it works under the hood so they use it properly?
Which new jobs will appear? And which one will be replaced
Is it time for UBI?
Shall we setup laws to limit what can be done with AI?
Is AI a massive copyright violation?
We’re still cooperating a lot with China, despite all she human rights concerns.
Some billionaire like Frenchman Bolloré are using the same strategy as Musk and Murdoch to push their propaganda and far right does well in elections
While we are a it more economically progressive than US, it’s not like gay rights or drug legalisation or even abortion are widely accepted.