What do military need that the civilian airport do not have ? True question. Sure the grass trip airfield where hobbyist fly may not be suited for military use, but I would believe that in larger airport, most of the facilites are at least existing.
What do military need that the civilian airport do not have ? True question. Sure the grass trip airfield where hobbyist fly may not be suited for military use, but I would believe that in larger airport, most of the facilites are at least existing.
Next week Airbus CEO telling that the sky is blue once you’re above the cloud
I still don’t get how is Telsa 20 times bigger than Toyota.
It’s great thanks to Musk, Telsa could become a viable auto maker which in the current industrial context is already amazing, especially with production in place with expensive labour (Which is a great thing too)
However, it’s not like other auto manufacturer would disappear from the market and it seems easier to add an electric system over an existing basis than to build a new car from scratch, let alone Chinese trying to enter the global market (and BYD is growing quickly in Europe) and Indian which will do the same at the point.
So not really a surprise that Tesla sales start to drop, especially when adding that nazi did good car isn’t a reason to support nazi
Cancellation by the constitutional council or the European court for human rights in 5…4…3…
US spend over 100 years building a strong alliance with North Western nations. And in one month, this alliance looks weaker than ever. It’s not anymore the freedom fries joke because a smart friend told you to not do something stupid, but publicly considering invading two close ally (and restarting the good old mess in south America)
I would separate the ones involving major airline, and the one involving private jets/smaller planes. Alaska has the reputation to be a place where people fly without a licence (Or lost their licence due to drunk-flying but kept flying) and winter ops there sounds like a bit more extreme than regular air-lines.
But indeed, planes aren’t supposed to do barrel roll on the runaway. not sure what happened, I expect to see some interesting "air-crash investigation " video in the coming years (Yes I am too lazy to read the report by myself)
No Gaza, No war in gaza :) It will just move to the next town after the Egyptian border.
Please tell me you’re mixing miles and km. Because that look an insane pace
Also a fair critic of Israeli government action isn’t antisemitic just like a fair critic of Iranian governments isn’t islamophobia.
While there is an antisemitic critic of Israel, raising concerns regarding human rights isn’t antisemitic nor supporting the hamas.
This may actually have pretty big consequences for the US, especially if it doesn’t cool-down quickly. How long before some EU nation start to build some military ties with Russia and China ? Sure it’ll take decades to build an alliance, but a couple of liason officer and a joint exercise, most likely using counter-terrorism or anti-piracy as a pretext, may happen sooner than Trump think.
I would also not under estimate that in comparison to let’s say 5 years ago. Now every car maker and their dog has a decent E-car (and sometimes a lot of different ones) so Tesla hasn’t a monopoly anymore
Many countries do have hate-speech laws, and law against Nazi propaganda.
As usual intent and context matters, but I don’t see why you should defend the right to use racial slur in a racist manier
Can’t we just ban gaz, whatever where they come from?
The 20 days detention for westerners aren’t usual (while they are for others) but being stopped at immigration because they think you may work is unfortunately standard. If your lucky, they’ll search your laptop as good old corporate espionage if you’re not, you’ll fly home with a denied stamp on your passport